The Accidental Confession (Updated)

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Chapter Forty


A/N: So I rewrote this chapter because of a mistake... hope you guys like it just as much as the original version~~~ ^^


 ***Amanda's P.O.V.***

"Hey, guys. Guess who decided to show up?" Junghoon grinned, pulling me by my elbow into what I'm assuming was their dressing room.

"Yah, you don't need to drag me! I'm walking!" I whined, yanking out of his grasp.

Junghoon laughed as I glared at him, annoyed.

"So, how did you like the concert?~" Henry asked, interrupting us and giving me a small back hug.

"IT WAS THE BEST CONCERT-" I began, turning around in his arms to return the hug, "ever..."

"What?..." he asked, confused, when I immediately pulled away from him.

"You're all sweaty..." I grumbled, finally managing to pry his arms off me.

Siwon began to laugh from behind him before approaching me with open arms.

"Bwo?..." I asked, glancing warily at him.

"Then give me a hug!~" he sang.

My eyes widened when I glanced at his sweat soaked t-shirt.

"Oppa... Don't you dare..." I threatened.

"Don't I dare what?" he grinned, raising an eyebrow.

"You know what...." I continued slowly.

Siwon simply smiled before taking two long strides over and enveloping me in a big hug.

"Oppa!!!" I squealed, trying to push away from him, but his hold was too strong.

"Group Hug!~" Shindong suddenly yelled, hurrying over and hugging me from the other side.

Soon, I had nearly all the boys around me in one humongous, smelly, sticky hug.

"Ew! Ew! Ew!" I whined, struggling, "I swear I'll never hug you guys again! Get off!"

I sighed in satisfaction when they all immediately stepped back.

I looked at them cautiously when someone sitting on the sofa caught my eye. Eunhyuk sat there, completely absorbed with his phone.

Grinning, I skipped over and plopped down next to him and wrapped my arms around his torso.

Everyone's jaws dropped, including his, as I rested my head and against his shoulder and grinned cheekily.

"Yah!" Kyuhyun whined, "You'll hug him and not us!"

"He didn't force me into a big sweaty hug like you guys!" I whined back.

And, well... The irresistible urge to curl up with him might have also been another reason... And the fact that seeing him dancing and singing up on stage might have made me even more attracted to him... If that was even possible...

"But he's just as sweaty as us, if not more..." Donghae grinned, grasping the situation.

"Yah! Just let me hug him!" I pouted, beginning to blush slightly.

Siwon laughed as he sat next to me. I scouted away from him and closer to Eunhyuk by instinct and he laughed even more.

"Aigoo..." he chuckled.

"So h-how did you like the c-concert?" Eunhyuk asked, stuttering as he tried starting a conversation.

I couldn't help but smile as I replied. "It was awsome!~" I squealed, hugging him even more, "Your dancing and your voices and the lights and the outfits and the interaction with the fans and the solos and the intros were so cool!!! You guys live... just... woahhh~~ daebak!"

I hadn't even realized I was gushing until Leeteuk said something.

"Aigoo, you crazy ELF~" he grinned as he ruffled my hair and a couple of the other boys began to laugh.

Even Eunhyuk cracked a smile as I turned a bright crimson.

"You should have seen her screaming when I walked by!" Yesung laughed, leaning on their leader.

"Aigoo, I know right?" Heechul snickered, "When I looked at her I swear she was going to faint!"

"Aishh..." I mumbled under my breath, as I turned even redder.

"All right, all right! Stop picking on Amanda!" Junghoon suddenly butted in.

"So..." he began, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Who was the best up there?"

"B-bwo?..." I asked, shocked by his sudden question.

"You heard him!" Sungmin grinned, "Who was the best out of us up on stage???"

I looked down at the ground embarrassed.

"Oh come on, you must of thought one of us was better than the others!" Kyuhyun grinned evilly, "But i think we all know who that someone is~~~"

"Yah!!!" I whined as I snapped my head up to glare at him.

"Aish, Eunhyuk... You lucky guy..." Junghoon joked as he patted him on the shoulder.

I could feel his body tense as Junghoon said that and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He didn't like that he's my favorite?...

I coughed awkwardly as I stood up, letting go of Eunhyuk.

Siwon looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Yah, have you guys eaten?" I asked, trying to forget the last conversation.

"Ani... You guys want to go get some bbq?" Sungmin suggested.

The boys nodded their heads as they began to pack up their stuff.

Well... All of them but Donghae and Eunhyuk who seemed to be having a conversation of their own with their eyes.

"What about you two?" Kangin asked, noticing as well.

Both of them looked up slightly surprised and Eunhyuk purposely avoided my eyes.

"Um.... Not now... Maybe we'll come later..." Donghae explained, glancing in my direction.

Confused and upset I nodded my head and turned around to head out with everyone else.

Did I do something wrong?...

***Eunhyuk's P.O.V.***

"Seriously, what's wrong?" Donghae asked for seemed like the billionth time as we sat on the sofa, still backstage.

"Nothing!" I groaned, although obviously upset.

"Yah, are you not happy that you're her favorite?" he asked suddenly, causing my head to snap up and glare at him.

"Why are you bringing that up?? Of course I'm happy!" I countered.

"Then did something happen? Why are you so... 'Blegh!'!?" he asked, obviously beginning to get annoyed with me.

I gave in. He's my best friend, after all; I can trust him and he'd find out eventually.

"I knew being her bias would change to many things!" I sighed, annoyed and upset.

Donghae raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You saw how she acted after the show! This means that she only cares for me as a bias! As an idol!" I elaborated, "What if she'll never love me as I love her?!"

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