The Shinee Dorm

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Chapter Twenty-Two

"So," Soo Man began.

"Henry explained everything. Including your past and current situations.... We believe it's fine for you to stay with them as long as you sign an agreement."

"An agreement?" I asked.

"It has to do with taking extra precautions because of the media, keeping their privacy." he explained. 

I nodded my head. "I understand."

"Would you mind coming in and signing it now?" Jung Hoon asked.

I looked at him and nodded. "That's fine..."

He began to head back to the office with Soo Man and I walked after them.

***Taemin's P.O.V.***

"So," Soo Man began,"Henry explained everything, including your past and current situations.... We believe it's fine for you to be staying with them as long as you sign an agreement."

"Agreement?..." Sora asked, but I wasn't listening anymore.

I was still stuck on what Soo Man had just said. 'We believe it is fine for you to be staying with them.'  Who was Amanda staying with? She wasn't staying with them was she?

"Yah, Hyung..." I began, looking suspiciously at Leeteuk.

He turned to face me, surprised. "What is it, Taemin?" he asked.

"Who is Amanda staying with?"

He continued to look at me confused before his eyes widened.

"Leeteuk.." I threatened.

He sighed and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "She's living with us?"

My eyes widened. "She's what?! Why did no tell me?! I flailed  my arms up in the air before plopping down on the ground and crossing my legs.

They all looked down at me shocked. The rest of my bandmates rounded the corner then and froze at the scene in front of them. 

"Uhm, Taemin... What are you doing on the floor?" Key asked.

I pouted,not answering.

"Minho?" Key asked instead.

"U-uhm..." he began to stutter.

"Minho?" Jonghyun asked, concerned.

Minho seemed at a loss for words. I couldn't wait any longer. I was going to explode.

"Amanda is living with them!" I burst, jumping up suddenly. Their eyes widened.

"What???" Jonghyun and Key responded in unison, eyes popping out of their sockets.

I nodded my head, showing that I was equally in disbelief.

"Since when?" Onew asked.

Leeteuk cleared his throat. "Around a month and a half now..."

"Why did no one tell us?" I whined.

"We didn't think it was important?..." Sungmin offered.

"How is it not important that Amanda was living only a floor above us?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Calm down, Taemin... At least we know now, maybe you can even invite her down for a tour of our dorm ?" Key said, patting my back gently.

A smile began to spread on my face and I grew silent. 

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