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Chapter Two

 I scanned the sea of suitcases and bodies for any clues as to where to go next. I was supposed to meet someone at the airport but between the bustling bodies and hum of chatter, it was hard to fully take in my surroundings. Then I saw it, a white piece of cardboard with my name spelled out in big, pink and purple bubble letters. I approached slowly and looked for it's owner. 

As I got closer a young woman with short, dark brown hair came into view. I smiled hesitantly as she confirmed my name. I stammered when I spoke, the exhaustion from the long trip and nerves from it all settling in.

 As she looked me up and down, I tried to remember how she knew my family. 

"I'm Sora!" she introduced herself, "I'm supposed to help you get settled here. Something about my parents being a friend's friend of your grandparents? Anyways, my parking is almost up so we should get moving. Are these all your bags?"

"Uh, yeah." I responded, readjusting my grip on their handles. 

Sora held her hand out towards me and it took a second to process what she was doing.
"Here," she offered, "one for me and one for you. "

I shook my head embarrassed, "It's okay, it's not much." 

She motioned with her hand to give one over. "Come on, you just travelled all this way. At least let me help you to the car. Is this really all you brought with you?" 

I nodded and she took the larger of the two bags and led me outside.

Thankfully, the walk to the parking lot was short and when we reached the car we loaded my bags into the trunk and both settled in the front seats. 

"How old are you?" she suddenly asked. 

It was so sudden that I thought that maybe I'd misheard her. "What?" 

"How old are you? What year were you born?" 

"'89" I responded, looking over to her as pulled out of the parking lot. "How about you?"

"'84. Guess that means I'm your unnie, huh?" she said, grinning as she glanced back my way.

I nodded my head, watching the flat expanses of land surrounded us. After a few minutes I asked where we were headed.

"Sorry! I completely forgot to tell you, didn't I?" she laughed sheepishly, "My younger brother and his friends travel a fair bit. They're out of town right now so I've been staying at their place to take care of the pets. That's where you'll be staying until you get more settled and can find yourself a place... It's about an hour and half drive, I think?"

I wasn't sure how I felt about staying with a group of boys but it was a roof over my head and Sora didn't seem half bad.

And as the drive continued, Sora and I grew much closer. We soon realized that we had a lot in common. Most notably, our similar taste in korean dramas and our absolute lack of cooking abilities.

"Don't worry," she'd reassured me, "one of my brother's roommates is an amazing cook." 

Before we knew it, it felt as if we'd been friends for months; we were laughing and smiling together like the best of friends. 

My ears suddenly perked up as a familiar song began to play on the radio. Turning up the volume just a tad, I grinned and did my best to hum quietly along to one of my favourite songs. Sora tore her eyes off the road for a second to face me. 

"You like Super Junior?" she asked, surprised. 

"I do. I love them." I grinned. 

"No way, me too!" she laughed excitedly.

Sora turned the volume up louder and the both of us sang aloud as we sped down the darkening streets.

After what seemed like mere minutes instead of a long hour and a half drive, we arrived at our destination. Sora pointed out the building as we got closer, and my jaw dropped as I stared out the window. It was one of the biggest, nicest apartment buildings I'd ever seen. 

Once we had been buzzed into the garage and parked the car, Sora rushed to move my luggage towards the lift. I had slowed to a halt though, taking in my surroundings in awe. She stopped when she noticed that I wasn't following.  

"You coming or sleeping in the car?" she asked, waiting for a moment before moving once more.

"Coming!" I yelled, grabbing my remaining suitcase and running after her.

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