Happy Pride Month

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Happy Pride Month to all you beautiful people!

Sorry this isn't a story update, I've been swamped with work and picking up some extra shifts.


I just wanted to say Happy Pride and a huge thank you for all the love y'all have been giving this book. It makes me so happy to hear that people enjoy my writing and every time you guys comment or vote, it instantly brightens my day.

I hope you all have a wonderful Pride Month, whether your out to your friends and family or your still waiting for right time to come out (like yours truly). I want each and every one of you to make the best of the day and do something to make yourself smile.

I love you all so much and I'm so proud of each and every one of you for how far you've come. Sending you all some good vibes for a good rest of your day.

When I'm done with work today (I'm writing this on my break) I may write a quick story update. So keep your eyes peeled for that later today or early tomorrow.

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