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They tried to rest neath the folds of their blankets but could find little success for Elayin's part. A cold, crowded room, filled with hundreds of complete strangers of varying ages and audibility was not conducive to a restful night, in spite of her weariness. She nodded now and again, but by five in the morning, she gave up and quietly crept away, leaving Dani to a well-deserved sleep.

The halls were mostly empty then, with only a guard or two passing her as she walked, but most everyone was still sleeping. Having nothing better to do, she approached the ward, figuring that she could replace a bandage or two while she was awake. Most of the men still slept, though some tossed and turned in a cold sweat, battling within their fevered dreams. She quietly tended their wounds, letting her mind drift in the silence as her hands worked. 

Hearing something behind her, she jumped, swinging round, "Whoa, whoa, sorry, didn't mean to scare you." exclaimed the cheek rider from before.

She heaved a sigh, "No, no, I guess I'm just unaccustomed to having people about." she explained.

He smiled, "You haven't been on the road that long have you?" he asked.

"Well... Not exactly. But I lived mostly alone for a while." she said turning back to her work. He moved to sit in a chair beside one of the cots as he looked to her curiously.

"Alone? How come?" he asked.

"You do have a lot of questions!" she said with a raised brow.

He smiled, "Forgive me my curiosity, it is in the best of intentions."

"It seems in the interest of nosiness to me." she muttered with a smirk.

"Madam, you cut me to the quick!" he exclaimed, dramatically clapping his hand to his breast. She rolled her eyes but chuckled, earning a smile from the man. "Go on, would you leave a starving man hungry? I swear I'm no gossip."

She raised a brow, but gave a relenting sigh, "I lived alone for no reason other than I liked to. No huge dramatic revelation I'm afraid." she said.

"I hardly expected a great drama, all I sought was your thoughts." he answered, "Although, have you really been alone so long without your beau?" at this, she turned on her heel, her hands on her hips.

"You are incorrigible!!" she exclaimed. He quickly raised his hands.

"No, no, I admit it, I'm a hopeless busybody, say no more! Only do tell me, won't you." he said mischievously.

"I don't think I should!" she exclaimed.

"Never! And I have my sincerest face on!" he said.

"Surely you have better reasons to be here, other than sneaking up on, and interrogating very busy women!" she answered.

"You win! I simply wished to mix pleasure with business. But since you so coldly turn me away, I must concede!" he said rising to his feet. She reached over, giving his arm a sharp punch. He jumped back on contact, massaging his arm, "Ow! Bloody hell! Uncle, I say uncle!" he laughed.

"So you should!" she said, crossing her arms with a smirk. "What business are you here for anyway?" she inquired. 

"Tit for tat aye? Well, fair enough. It's not strictly business." he began.

"Do I need to hit you again?" she said suspiciously.

"And not pleasure!" he exclaimed defensively, guarding his arm. "I'm just here to check on the wounded." he said, sobering from his amusement.

"Oh, well, they're better than they were, but still more work ahead." she said.

"I didn't really come for all of them." he added. She looked to him questioningly. "My brother actually. I heard he was in this hall." he explained.

Shadow of Light (Uruk-Hai x She-Elf)Where stories live. Discover now