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The time of day had escaped him. It was late, he knew that. He'd paced his chamber up and down, sat, stood, then paced again. Aragorn was, unsurprisingly, concerned about him. He'd forgone supper, primarily because he'd lost interest in socializing. Aragorn took this as a sign to leave him be until he'd sorted his thoughts. Gimli, on the other hand, decided this meant action was in order and knocked on his door. He was hesitant to answer until he recognized the short, sturdy figure. He smiled faintly. "Ah, it's you. What is it?" he asked.

"A call to arms." answered the man. Then he produced from behind his back a plate bearing bread, beer, and a pipe waiting to be lit.

"I beg your pardon?" he said in mild amusement.

"Soldiers at war need resources, and here I am, bearing all the tools you need to win a war of the mind!" he explained proudly.

"Beer and pipeweed?" questioned Legolas with a raised brow.

"Hasn't failed me yet." replied the dwarf. Legolas chuckled, taking the plate from him.

"Thank you, my friend." He stepped from the doorway, setting the plate on a nearby table. He heaved a sigh. "I feel such a fool."

"In what regard?" asked Gimli.

"Every." answered Legolas as he sat down, turning to face him. "I'm not sure what to do." Gimli stepped through the door, his hands clasped behind his back.

"I wish I could advise you, lad. But your predicament is quite foreign to me." he said.

"It's foreign to me as well!" he said with an unamused chuckle. "What will I say to her mother?.." he muttered thoughtfully. Slowly, Gimli stepped to his side.

"You're thinking on it too much. Just do what you think is right. No one could fault you for trying." he said, reassuringly. 'Well, Elayin could, as could her mother', Legolas thought to himself, but he said nothing, only nodded. "Have a drink and a think. It'll be alright." he said, punctuating his statement with a firm clap on his back before moving for the doorway.

"Thanks, Gimli." he murmured, to which, Gimli briefly nodded and left the room. Legolas glanced to the plate and sighed. He supposed this was a matter of who was at risk. If he helped Elayin then both she and her mother would be hurt in the long run. But if he didn't, then the main thing was that she wouldn't be likely to forgive him. Maybe that was for the best, their friendship was already in shreds regardless. But he couldn't let her ruin her life for the sake of puppy love or whatever this was. If only there was some compromise or something. He didn't suppose there was much hope of warning the orc off. If he had any true interest in her, then he may persist, that or simply for the sake of spite. Was it worth trying to talk reason with her? He had to say something. After all, they hadn't really left on great terms.

He rose from his seat and stepped to the door. The halls were blissfully empty as he approached her door. Seeing it draw nearer, he slowed, reluctant to begin another battle. He stopped outside her door and stood. Trying to gather himself perhaps. He practically forced his hand to reach for the door but froze as a creak echoed from behind him, making him jump and spin 'round. Dani, having innocently stepped from her room only to be met by a tall, elven man on the defensive, squeaked in surprise, clapping a startled hand to her breast. "Goodness, you startled me!" she whispered.

"Oh, sorry. I just came to see the Lady Elayin." he explained. Rather than reply, she stepped through the door and gently closed it as not to wake the sleeping child within.

"My lady is resting. She's been rather slow to rest, so unless you must wake her..." Dani explained.

"Oh, right. Of course, no matter, I can speak with her later." he replied.

Shadow of Light (Uruk-Hai x She-Elf)Where stories live. Discover now