Letter #1 - Sadness

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The LORD saw you when your bestfriend ditched you at gym. You asked for help about photography studio and lightning but all he did to you was upset because of the current situation he'd partake.

You cried and your full of sadness in your heart. You don't know where to talk to because you only have one friend to trust -- it's only him, ever since you communicated with Him for the past 2 years before college started.

The LORD wants you to know that He will always be there even when you still don't notice Him. Let your life notice God so that situations you always carry on will sooner be with the LORD and you just have to trust God's process.

There will be more people you will encounter in your life and you think he or she will help you in times of up's and down's situations. But sometimes surprisingly that person can't able to do it because the person's priority of the self must be first.

You can't rely more to people but only you can rely more in your whole life is God.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read on this chapter. Thank you for supporting and I hope you like this story. Stay updated for more chapters to publish. God bless!

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