Letter #16 - Christ-like Attitude

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For so many generations already passes by, some human beings tried to follow the attitude of Christ especially godly people who devoted their life to God. And this what God wants for all people from present generations to future generations.

And for you Valerie Quintanilla, God saw how you tried to seek Him. You seek Him with worth of living and dying for. As you already seek Him, you know how holy, powerful, incomparable, never-ending love God is.

You want to be holy and pleasing to God, to be powerful -- can trample snakes and scorpions, just... extraordinary being changed by God. You want that, but to become more of that you must know Jesus Christ first.

I am who I am said the LORD. Jesus Christ is the light from the darkness. The light represents as the way to eternal life and eternal fellowship of God. And the darkness represents the sin, evil desires, pain, sufferings, and the like. That light shone upon to people since people have that dark... and to where you can find? To the holy scriptures - Christian Biblical Scriptures; more meanings you can find there as being a Christ-like attitude.

If you walk your life as a Christ-like attitude, you must always remember not to have sinful desires and give yourself an explanation that it is no longer YOU who lives but CHRIST who lives in YOU. These can tell that you are a a friend and a child of God, you want to pleased God, and glorify God.

Christian Biblical Scriptures

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." ~ Romans 15:5

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