Letter #12 - Found You

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As you seek God, you grow to know Him. God found you from the very beginning of your existence Valerie, NOT YOU found GOD. 

You may wonder that it did makes sense because He is the God who created you at the first place. God designed you as that beautiful and what family you will be. And God didn't make any mistakes of who He had created nor designed.

God found you to live in this world with purpose -- mission. Mission to experience challenges that still rely to God... whatever challenges it may be. A mission not to love this world but to share the Word -- God's Word for the people (Christian Biblical Scriptures).

Though, you found God when you try to seek Him and know Him. But how He founds you wouldn't be the same as what other people found and discover you. God wanted you to know that when He found you, He seeks you so that you will found God.

Christian Biblical Verse:

"The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. —"
~ Luke 19:10

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