Letter #8 - Self-Reflection

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Obedience to God's leading is one thing for a man and woman cannot create troubles. And what you did right now Valerie Quintanilla is obeying God's leading to you, to have a moment of self-reflection.

You went to the sea, seeing how calm it is and you began to say, "the sea is more better than me right now because it is so calm - no conflict. Unlike me it's like... an ocean with the big waves causing troubles because up until now I still have problems that came from my mom due to the fact that I didn't take nursing but instead the course of photography, also my problem with my boy bestfriend, and even to God." You sight, "When can I experience again having in peace?"

You looked at the sky and began talking to God finally for the past 3 years after the car accident. "I used to really worship you God before my dad died. But why until now God, you added more problems in my life? Why did you let me experience this? Why?" Valerie quickly wiped her tears as it drops from her rosy cheeks.

If only you knew Valerie, God haven't done anything wrong in your family. Before the day of the accident, He gave signs from your dad, mom, and even to you. Before your dad went to the car for your travel to amusement park, He showed your dad to a young kid tripped off from his scooter because loud sound beeping of the car passing on his way, and your dad run over him, helping the kid if he's okay or not since the kid almost got hit by the car but luckily the kid wasn't, just a small scratched on his knee.

Your Dad didn't notice that, even when the kid say's "you too, take care.". He only smiled and amused what the kid says and then after that went back to your house.

As for your mom, God gave signs to her as well. Before travel, she prepared something to eat for the family. As she cooked the bacon, she accidentally burnt them all. She felt disappointed what happened about it. She too didn't notice that God gave her signs.

And for you, God gave signs too. You were 18 years old you at that time, helping your mom in the kitchen preparing the food. You sliced the bread to be able to fit in in the pack container for the bread. As slicing it, you also accidentally cut a small skin in your pointy finger. You felt strange about what happened, you saw your mom burnt the bacon but you let it slipped because you thought it is just like what it used to when cooking.

God gave signs for you and your family not to experience that. But sadly, it all happened because no one of you noticed that it is God's leading.

And about your boy bestfriend, he really intentionally ditched you because he has the plan and the heart of leaving you due to the reason of her recent girlfriend letting him to do it so.

God really don't want these all to happen but because God gave freedom to the people, it all changed. He cannot forced someone to do what God intended them to do, God gave them choice to choose whether they follow God's leadings or not. But God always prefer you to choose what is good, better, and what leads you to eternal life.


Christian Biblical Values:
"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love."
~ Galatians 5:13

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