Letter #3 - Choice

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You chose "no" to all the questions; decided both pleasant and unpleasant choice. The LORD sees your heart that you want to begin your friendship again but you chose not to because you thought it's time to change. A change not for his own good, not for your own good, but good for the both of you.

What you have chosen is indeed wise. Not everyone decides like this because they don't want to be unhappy. The LORD was pleased of what you do that's why He chose you. Even though you don't know Him yet fully but soon you will know Him because the LORD will give you a friend that will introduce His name.

God wants to be part of your change. Now is the perfect time.

In life, we experience dilemmas in many situations. Sometimes we don't know the right decisions to these dilemmas, especially situations where it's very hard to choose, certain situations that create conflicts when you choose, certain situations where you have to choose what's pain for you and not pain for others -- especially for your love ones.


Some of these words were based on my learnings and experiences. Please bare with me with these words.

Thank you for reaching this chapter. Again, stay updated! God bless.

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