Letter #18 - Obey

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You may know that Brianna Gomez is so knowledgeable about God, the Holy Bible, about how a Christian life should live, and the like. This all because of ever since she tried to wonder why not seek God, she did experience a lot of situations that really challenge her faith; she stumble and fall because of self reliance and disobedience to many challenges. But as soon as she truly understand that challenges can be finished was to only rely in God, obey, surrender to God, and trust in the LORD.

It would be amazing if you do that too Valerie because everything that the Holy Spirit leads you truly results in a victorious person and YES! that starts with obedience. Because you obey God's leading to you, of course you will be victorious but if not, surely you experience pain, struggles, problems, etc.

As for the past few days you've done, God is so happy that you obey. Finally you found Him, know Him, and know God's Word in the Holy Bible. As you obey, the Holy Spirit leads you and guides you to the many challenges you will face to.

Christian Biblical Scriptures

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”
~ John 14:23

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Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
~ James 1:22

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