Letter #24 - Hope & Pray

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Valerie Quintanilla, God wants to tell you a story about how powerful hoping and praying is. This is a true story of one certain person who hopes and pray for century.

There was a kid before and now a woman named Shayne Walter never ends to hope and pray to God. She lived before with unstable house to stay and a mother who can't afford to support her children. When she was 8 years old she hope and pray that she will recieve more blessings, any blessings.

One day, she dreamt of something she couldn't forget until now. In her dreams, it was night and there were lots of stars. She saw something above the sky and surprisingly they're gifts falling in the sky. Lots of gifts falling in the sky. She believed that God let her dreamed that, and YES! She hope and pray that lots of gifts she will soon recieved even though as young as 8 years old kid she is.

Until one day, after separation of her mother and her one sibling, she had stayed in an orphanage, she thought of this before that it's a place of princesses as 10 years old she is. But sooner she understand it was an orphanage.

She was quite sad because she wasn't with her mother and her other sibling but there was a part of her too that she is happy because indeed her dreams she have never forget finally came true. Those gifts that she had hoped and prayed came true.

One thing she had hoped and prayed for when she was 11 years old is to be a social worker someday. She saw how beautiful to spend time with the children. She saw social workers is the reason why children in the orphanage had the chance to smile and had the chance to atleast have siblings or family. And so she hoped and pray for this that one day she will be soon working childrens welfare social worker.

Until for how many years staying in the orphanage, she need to be discharged for she needs to be independent living. Before she was worried who will support her being a social worker student. But she still have hoped and prayed for this matter until one day, an occasion of baptism, the grandparents of the grandson baptismal saw Shayne Walter. Sees that she is an interesting person and needs to have a brighter future.

Both the grandparents of the grandson surprised her by December and pronounced that she will recieved a full scholarship of the college course she wants to take.

She thanked God a lot because everything she had hoped and prayed for for a long time all came true.

You see, this is why by hoping and praying is so powerful. If you trust the LORD that God will give you and provide you much better He planned for you, then surely you will recieved what you hoped and prayed for.

Christian Biblical Scriptures

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." ~ Hebrews 11:1

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"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."
~ Romans 12:12

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“'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. '”
~ Jeremiah 29:11

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