Letter #17 - Holy Trinity

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Valerie, God wants you to understand what does Holy Trinity means. It all means of the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as being one God existing the three devine person.

The Father is not the Son, the Father is not the Holy Spirit, the Son is not the Father, the Son is not the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is not the Father and the Holy Spirit is not the Son. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God -- they are one and called as One God.

Now, without the Father, it wouldn't work as powerful God, if without the other, it wouldn't work at all as One God. Just like for example the coffee "3 in 1" You see, if you try to separate the instant coffee, sugar, and creamer how does the coffee all goes? Of course it wouldn't be working as what really tastes like. So for it to be able to taste as good coffee it should be unite as one with instant coffee, sugar, and creamer. So, to relate it to the Holy Trinity, there should be One God existing the three devine being the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit in unity. This surely powerfully miraculously and amazingly work together.

Christian Bible Scriptures

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit . . .” ~ Matthew 28:19

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"For through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father."
~ Ephesians 2:18

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