Letter #15 - Repentance

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God wants you to know what's the definition of repentance in situational manner. But first of, repentance means turn away from all your sins and turn to God. You will no longer go back from your sin, instead you will turn away from it and follow God.

~ A situation for this would be Mr. Good Man. Mr. Good Man thinks that he is good in society -- good person. He thought that giving foods and clothes to poor people is what good is.

He did certain bad deeds that people don't really see him as that... like lying, commit adultery (often seeing public woman in sex appeal -- a false way), and unpleasant attitude keeping it on his own and... unpleasant mindset which thought of it as just good.

People see him as a good person but with God, He see it not. He saw the evil heart of the man and that doe not want God. What God wants is to have a repentant heart, mind, strength -- the man's life.

And sooner he found God in his life, he owned his sinful acts and repented. He follow God and tried his best not to dwell sinful desires. This is what repentance is.

Christian Biblical Verse

"Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
~ Luke 5: 31 ~

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