Letter #7 - Refuse

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Brianna open up to you about God's name and she did not know why you refused talking about Him. But she understand why is that so; she believed that there's an explanation about it and thought that sooner you will tell her, she hope's.

Valerie, God sees your pain and God wants you to release them and give it all to Him. Just surrender your burdens and He will give you peace and rest.

You felt sadness and just let it pass away by smiling. You did not conquer anything because you did not include God in your life - God don't want this to happen.

God wants you to be victorious and not a failure. God wants you to experience joy that brings life eternity because of Him, not sadness that leads to condemnation due to problems and chaos internally and externally.

God doesn't want you to stay as that, being in pain or sad everyday. If you obey tomorrow God's leading to you, spending your time doing self-reflections. Surely, God will hear your communication to Him and confirmed it that He heard you saying.


Have you ever tried yourself that you thought no one is thinking about you, no one cares of you, no one loves you, and the like. Have you ever tried that? You experience that right? Especially when no one listens because of a great mistakes, have you tried that?

As an author of this book, I did experienced that, I thought of that, but when I have an intimate relationship with Jesus and accept that His my personal LORD and Savior, it all changed.

To give you a Christian Biblical Verse about there's God within you wherever you are, what you experience, especially bad day's, Jesus says,

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." ~ Matthew 11:28-30

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