Letter #6 - Library

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God is so happy to see you laughing with Brianna Gomez. Laughing the spot she told you before... "the best spot in library". You were laughing about it because the spot is just the floor with surrounded books. But you go with it in a good way and you enjoyed studying together with her. Nevertheless, you were exchanging background information about family, hobbies, likes, etc.

God is so grateful you both obeyed what God planned for which is spending in the library as you study and getting to know each other. You even assumed that she'll be your friend and not anymore an acquainted stranger. Valerie, she will be your closest friend, God promised you that.

God always keep promises. No single promises that never ever fulfilled. Trust God, she'll be your closest friend.

Tomorrow, Brianna will open up to you about God and He will be waiting...


Did you know...
Human beings easily made promises and also easily broken its promises. If you considered Christian Biblical Scriptures about God's promise, take a look at this verse,

"... The LORD is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does." ~Psalm 145:13

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