Letter #20 - He Came For...

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God wanted you to clarify His question, who am I here for? Valerie, try to ask this questions in yourself:

1) Are you a good person?
2) What is the meaning of good person for you?

Now, God wants you to know that He came to this world for sinners and not for good people. As God said in His Word, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." ~ Mark 2:17.

For a person who have arthritis and the doctor suggested after examination that he/she needed to take Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for this treatment which can relieve pain and reduce inflammation or another suggested to by the doctor is to take Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) where these drugs can slow the progression of rheumatoid arthritis and save the joints and other tissues from permanent damage.

So you see, that person needs healing to a certain condition she/he had and that must be through the doctors, and because of a doctor a person will be healed.

Just like what Jesus Christ meant for where it said, "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.". Jesus Christ came for you because you are not good person, but because you are sinful. Everyone is not good person that's why He came for you to make you/them as righteous to God's eye.

As what Jesus Christ said, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains." ~ John 9:41 Just as this, what God meant is whoever claims that they are not good person because they do sin and have sinned, they will be righteous because of Jesus Christ came to rescue and washed away your/their sin. But whoever claimed that they're already good person, sin is always in them.

The good person that people meant for is not what the good that meant for God. Because the good person that meant for people is to do good deeds for the people, to not fight with the people, this is the outside of the self in showing good to people that indeed it meant for the people that this is a kind of a good person.

But if for God, it didn't meant that. A good person is to see the good that comes from a person's heart that aligned to God's desire of perfectness of being a good person. It includes "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" ~ Matthew 5:44, it includes "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." ~ Matthew 7:37 it also includes "...Love your neighbor as yourself." ~ Matthew 7:39 and many more.

And God saw that everyone did commit these and so everyone is sinners. Lying, commit adultery in his heart (even if you see a woman with sexual interest that's considered adultery), stealing (even you thought it's just 1 penny from your mom and you get it, that's considered stealing), saying the name of the LORD, your God in vain (saying OH MY GOD in vain!!!) - anything from the 10 commandments and you did one mistake, you are considered sinners. Just like example, one person put a single drop of poisonous in a glass of water and if you drink it you will be given a million dollars, do you think you will drink it for real? The same as that 1 mistake from the commandments, you are considered already as sinners.

That's why Jesus Christ came to saved everyone's sin through crucified in the cross and shed His blood from your sin because God Loves Everyone, God Loves You So Much and that God don't want people end up go to hell.

But, a few people find the right way what meant by God for a perfect good person. Most people find the wrong way means of being good person and that's why they end up in hell.

If by knowing/believing the Holy Scriptures, repentance, have faith that God already paid "My" sin through the blood of Jesus Christ, and accept Jesus Christ as "My" LORD and Personal Savior with the feeling of happiness because Jesus Christ already paid it all, and to live the best to be as Christ-like attitude is the right way to be with God and also what meant by God for the perfect good person.

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