Letter #29 - Remain Your Faith

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The LORD wants you to remain your faith in Him. You don't have to look back in the past anymore because what you are right now is important to Him.

You are loved even when you think the world hates you.You are protected even when no one's there for you to guide you.You are comforted everyday. Especially in your sad days, your fall times, when someone blamed you, YOU are comforted by Him.

When you make mistakes and you are sorry, He already forgiven you. But that doesn't mean that you make mistakes again and never learn from it and that you're sorry, remember God is Love and Just. Bad Consequences if you did not learn from your mistakes.
You are loved before God decides to create you. Don't ever forget that.

God wants to remain your faith in Him because He wants you to experience the joy with Him forever. God build a wonderful place for you in His Kingdom. Be an obedient and faithful princess to Him because truly he loves you very much. No one can ever compare the LOVE that God have for you.

Whatever problems you have, whatever struggles you have, call unto Him and He will answer you. As what God said, "'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'" ~ Jeremiah 33:3. Any burdens might it be, just call Him.

Remain your faith in Him whatever the world treats you, just remain your faithfulness in Him.

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