Chapter 22

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After a bit of crying you decide the best thing to do is to talk to Sora and get it out the way, so you over to his house. When you arrive you softly knock on his door, you're worried he might not even hear the knock but he answers the door pretty quick. He observes you carefully from you puffy red eyes down to the way you're nervously pulling at your fingers
You: Can we talk
He nods his head and lets you inside the house, shutting the door behind you.
Sora: Is everything okay?
You: You should sit
He looks at you with concern but takes a seat on the couch in the first living room. You take a deep breath in through your nose.
You: So uh remember how my mom made me take a pregnancy test
Sora: Yeah...and i told you it would be fine because we were safe and-
You: SORA...can you just let me talk
Sora: Yeah...yeah i'm sorry
You: I took the test and it was positive...Sora i'm pregnant
You nervously chew on your nails and Sora takes a deep breath. He hasn't said anything yet which has you a little worried
You: Babe...?
Sora: I'm sorry I just...don't know what to say I guess I mean I just don't understand how
You: I mean me either but...
Your voice trails off and there's an awkward silence for a few moments
You: What do you wanna do...?
Sora: It isn't up to me, it's up to you and i will support whatever decision you make
You force a half smile
You: I feel like i'm too young to have a may not seem like it but im still grieving my dad so i don't think i could give my baby the life he or she deserves
Sora: So what are you thinking...? like adoption or something?
You: I don't have the heart to push out a baby and hand it off to a stranger either...
Sora: So abortion?
You: I mean yeah I think so...unless you really want a baby...
Sora: I want a baby...but just not now
You: I still need more time to think but I don't think having this baby is the best thing
Sora: It's a hard choice to think...maybe ask your mom for help
You look down
You: Her and I aren't exactly talking right now...she's pissed and I told her i hate her
Sora: Not that it's any of my business but i think you should try to make up with her...i think you'll really need her support through this
You: Yeah you're probably right but I don't have the energy to apologize right now.
He leans in close and presses his forehead against yours.
Sora: We'll get through this together okay?
You nod your head.
You: Babe?
Sora: Mhm?
You: I'm tired...
Sora: Rest your body, i'll get you a blanket and some pillows.
He returns with blankets and pillows and makes you comfortable. You fall asleep fast, drifting into a happier place. About an hour and a half later you're awaken by your phone buzzing. The call is coming from an unknown but registered number. Although you're confused you pick up.
You: Hello?
Person: Hi is this Y/N
You: Yes...
Person: Hi I'm Doctor Stevens, I work at Marian Hills General Hospital...
You stay silent so the woman on the other end of the phone continues on.
Dr. Stevens: I am one of your mom's doctors...she's been in a serious accident
You're in so much shock you can't even find your words. You drop your phone to the floor but it doesn't break
Dr. Stevens: Hello??!
Sora rushes into the room
Sora: Babe are you okay?
Tears fall from your face and your body is trembling.
You: My mom...

p.s.- the plot is intensifying 🫣🫣

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