Chapter 61

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Sora: Well while we're here I have a surprise for you I guess
You: What is it?
Sora: I planned us a spring break trip to Miami
You: Really?
Sora: Yeah, just you and me, it's gonna be really fun
You: I can't even do anything though...
Sora: What do you mean?
You: Miami is basically beaches, bars, and clubs and those all sound like no fun to me
Sora: Why not?
You: Well I'm showing and gaining weight and that's gonna make me feel ugly compared to all the other girls there, especially when I have to wear swimsuits at the beach
Sora: You're showing?
You: haven't noticed the change in clothing? I really only wear baggy clothes now
Sora: Ohh I get it now...but that doesn't matter babe, I want you and only you and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you because I think you're fucking gorgeous and anyways I don't care what we do on vacation, as long as I get to do it with you
You smile a little and he places his hand on your cheek
You: Thank you
Sora: Of course
He gently rubs your cheek
You: Wanna see??
Sora: See what?
You: That baby bump you dumbass
He giggles and you smile
Sora: Oh yeah
You lift up your shirt
You: It isn't huge but its noticeable
He smiles and gets down on his knees in front of you. He lightly kisses your stomach and you giggle.
You: Say something to the baby
Sora: Why?
You: I heard it's good for him
Sora:'s your dad, I'm really excited for you to be born so I can hold you and love you and take care of you
You smile and he stands up
Sora: Good?
You: Perfect
He kisses your forehead and then goes back to doing his homework

Sora's mom calls you guys down for dinner. You both take a seat at the table and everyone begins eating. Out of all the dinners you've had with his family, this one has to be the most awkward. The only sounds are the clinking of silverware against the plates. Sora's mom finally breaks the silence when she begins speaking.
Sora's Mom: So um...we thought a little and we decided it would be okay if Y/N stayed with us...her mom as well until she's better
Sora swallows the bite of food that is in his mouth
Sora: Really??
Sora's Mom: Yes
Sora's Dad: We thought about what you said and you're right, you guys' child deserves to live with both his parents if possible and we have the means to make that possible
Sora's Mom: And we're sorry for making you feel abandoned or alone, and I'm sorry for not listening when you tried to tell me how you feel
Sora: It's okay...thank you for changing your mind
Sora's Mom: Of course
She then turns her attention to you
Sora's Mom: And thank you for being there for our son, when we failed to do that
You: Yeah of course, he's pretty amazing
She smiles but that smile immediately disappears from her face and turns into concern
Sora's Mom: What happened to your neck sweetie?
Your stomach sinks a little
You: What do you mean?
Sora's Mom: It looks purple, like it's bruised
You: Oh...I have no idea, I didn't even notice it was there
Sora's Mom: Are you okay?
You: Yeah I'm fine...can I actually be excused?
Sora's Mom: Yeah go ahead
You smile and push your chair away from the table. You run up the stairs and feel like you're gonna be sick. You push yourself into the bathroom and right when you make it to the toilet you vomit. Meanwhile downstairs, Sora tries to excuse himself from the table as well.
Sora: Can I be excused too
He begins to lift himself from the chair and his mom snaps
Sora's Mom: Sit your ass back down
He lowers himself back into the chair and his mom glares at him
Sora's Mom: Did you do that to her?
Sora: No I-
Sora's Mom: Don't fucking lie to me...someone doesn't just get bruises on their neck and not know where they came from
Sora lets out a sigh and slouches down a little bit
Sora: I did but I-
Sora's Mom: But what???
Sora: I was just upset...
Sora's Mom: Sora...that NEVER gives you the right to put your hands on a woman, especially one who's pregnant with your CHILD, not only could you have hurt her, you could have hurt your baby too
Sora: I know that, I don't know what was going through my head
Sora's Dad: Is that the first time it's happened
Sora: Yes...and it will be the last
Sora's Dad: Your mom and I expect better from you...don't ever let something like that happen go check on her, see if she's okay
Sora: Okay
He gets up from the table and goes upstairs. He knocks on the bathroom door.
Sora: Babe are you okay
You: Yeah I'm just feeling sick
Sora: Okay, I'll be in the room
You: Okay

Today is the day you guys leave for Miami. You're packing up your last few things so that you guys can get ready to head to the airport.
You: What time is our flight again
Sora: 3:00
You: Why are we leaving so goddamn early then
Sora: Because I'd rather be early than late
You: True I guess
Once you close your suitcase he takes it off the bed
Sora: I'll bring it downstairs
You: Thank you
Sora: Of course
You follow him down the stairs. He makes it to the bottom of the stairs before you. It feels like your belly has grown so much in the past few weeks, which makes sense considering you're almost 5 months pregnant now. When you're almost at the bottom of the stairs you feel a sharp pain in your stomach. You grip the railing of the stairs and wince a little. Sora gives you a concerned look
Sora: Are you okay?
You: Yeah I'm fine, he's just kicking
Sora: You can feel them now?
You: Yeah, I'll let you feel next time
He smiles excitedly
Sora: Okay
You finish making your way down the stairs and you smile
Sora: Ready?
You: Yup

p.s.- It was Shy's idea for them to go to Miami 😗 but what do you think is gonna happen while they're there 👀🤭

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