Chapter 64

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You're woken up the next morning by Sora lightly tapping your shoulder. You turn away from him and bury yourself underneath the blanket.
Sora: You have to wake up babe
You: Whyyy
Sora: Because I have a good day planned for us
You: What is it
Sora: We're gonna go to the beach
You: Ew
Sora: You know you love the beach
You: I also love being in bed with you
Sora: There will be a lot of time for that...don't worry, plus I really need you to wake up because I want you to come with me to pick up the rental car, I'll even get you Starbucks after.
Your eyes shoot open and you sit up
You: Fine
Sora smiles and kisses your cheek
Sora: Good
You climb out of bed and go into the bathroom to begin getting ready. Before you get dressed you need to ask Sora a question. You call him from the bathroom
A few moments later he appears in the doorway
Sora: Yeah?
You: Are we coming back to the hotel before we go to the beach?
Sora: Yeah
You: Okay, thank you
You decide to just throw on shorts and a baggy shirt. You do your makeup then go get your phone off the nightstand
Sora: Ready?
You: Yup
When you guys are in the elevator you press the button for the bottom floor. You guys are halfway down when the elevator stops and opens again, meaning someone else is about to get in. Two teenage girls in bikinis appear on the other side of the door. They take forever to get in causing the doors to shut, Sora pushes them back open.
You: What are you? Superman?
He rolls his eyes and the girls get in the elevator. One of the girls looks at Sora.
Girl: Thank you
Sora: You're welcome
You're relieved when you guys make it to the lobby.
You: I hate people
Sora: I know
When you guys get outside, your Uber is already there. It doesn't take you guys long to get to the rental place, which is only about 5 minutes from the hotel. Sora picks out a black Mercedes to rent.
You: Since that shit is over with it's time for Starbucks like you promised me
Sora: Yes I know
He sets his GPS for the nearest Starbucks. When you guys arrive he looks over at you
Sora: What do you want?
You: My usual
Sora: Okay
When he receives your drink he hands it to you. You take a sip out of it and smile.
You: Thank you
Sora: Of course
A little bit later you guys arrive back at the hotel. While you guys are in the elevator you look over at Sora
You: Red or blue?
Sora: Red duh, why
You: So I know what color swimsuit to wear
He smiles and softly kisses your cheek
The elevator doors open and you step out. You guys make your way to the room. You set your Starbucks down and go get changed. After you change Sora goes to change. When he comes back out you're observing yourself in the mirror.
Sora: What are you doing?
You: I look ugly in this
Sora: What? No you don't
You: I look fat, and ugly...and pregnant
You squeeze your thigh
Sora: Well I'd be concerned if you didn't look pregnant and besides you look sexy pregnant, but I fell in love with you, not your body, I don't care about what your body looks like and you shouldn't care about what anyone else thinks of your body either because I think you're drop dead fucking gorgeous
You smile and your cheeks warm up a little bit
You: You're right I guess
Sora: I know I am
You: I love you
Sora: I love you ready to go the beach?
You: Yes
You gather the things you'll be taking with you and grab your Starbucks to finish in the car. When you guys step off the elevator and into the lobby, you're greeted with a familiar face.
Hailey: Oh hey
Sora: Hey
You *under your breath*: Jesus fucking christ
Hailey: Are you guys going to the beach
Sora: Yeah
Hailey: Oh cool...have fun
Sora: Thanks
Hailey then shifts her gaze to you, her eyes fall on your stomach which makes you wanna punch her in the face. She brings her look back up to your eyes
Hailey: If you don't mind me asking, are you pregnant?
You smile awkwardly
You: Yeah
Hailey: Awww congratulations
You: Thank you
Hailey: Girl or boy?
You: Boy
Hailey: You definitely give off boy mom far along are you?
You: Around five months
Hailey: So you're due in July?
You: Yeah
Hailey: That's so adorable...I hope you guys have fun at the beach and congratulations again
You: Thank you
She steps around you toward the elevator and you and Sora head toward the doors. You roll your eyes
Sora: At least she's nice...
You: Yeah and fucking nosey, she was probably judging me
Sora: So what if she was, we're on vacation to chill and not worry about anyone else
You: You're right
You take a sip out of your drink and climb into the passenger seat of the car, which is kind of a struggle now.
Sora: The beach is only like 15 minutes away
You: That's good
While you guys are on the way there you speak again.
You: Are we doing anything else today?
Sora: Dinner later tonight if you're down
You: I'm always down if there's food involved
Sora giggles.
Sora: Good
A little bit later you guys arrive at the beach. It's a struggle to find parking but eventually you guys do. You help empty some stuff out the trunk, placing one hand on your lower back for support. Sora stops you.
Sora: I got it
You: Whatever you say
He grabs the rest of the stuff and closes the trunk. You follow behind him onto the beach. You guys set up and the sun is blazing.
You: We should go in the water
Sora: I'll race you there
You: It won't be fair because I can't run
Sora: Fine then I'll just carry you
You: Then it's not a race
Sora: So??
He picks you up over his shoulder and you scream. You kick your legs and laugh.
You: This feels SO dangerous for the baby, put me down
Sora: It isn't and you don't want me to put you down, the sand is hot as shit
You: Whatever
When you guys make it to the water he sets you down. You walk a little further into the water and Sora follows behind you.
Sora: You should get a tattoo on your ass
You: Are you fucking serious?
Sora: Personally I think it'd be hot
You: You're so funny
Sora: I'm not joking
You look up at the sky
You: Maybe I'll consider it
You wrap your arms around his neck and softly kiss his lips.

p.s.- personally I hate couples at the beach 😹

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