Chapter 28

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When you wake up the next morning the first thing you wanna do is go visit your mom. Sora is still sleeping so you shake him awake.
You: Babe?
Sora rubs his eyes and rolls over
Sora: Mhm?
You: Can we go see my mom before school
He softly rubs your cheek with his thumb.
Sora: Of course
You smile and kiss his cheek then get out of bed to get ready. After the both of your are ready you go downstairs for breakfast.
Sora's Mom: Good morning kids
Sora: Morning mom
You: Good morning
Sora's Dad *jokingly*: Your mom was lazy so this morning it's cereal
Sora's mom rolls her eyes. You giggle a little and so does Sora
You: I can work with that as long as there's Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Sora's Dad: What's the point of having cereal if it's not Cinnamon Toast Crunch
You laugh and grab a bowl, pouring cereal and milk into it. You take a seat and Sora sits down beside you.
Sora: Y/N has some good news
Sora's Mom: Oh yeah
You smile
You: My mom is doing ok...she woke up yesterday
Sora's Dad: Yes it is...we're so happy for you
Sora's mom rubs your hand
Sora's Mom: You are still welcome to stay until she's discharged from the hospital, no matter how long that takes
You smile and nod
You: Thank you so much
You finish up your cereal then excuse yourself from the table.
Sora: We're leaving a little early to visit her mom at the hospital
Sora's Mom: Okay, have a great day at school guys
You: Thank you
Sora's hugs his mom and then you both head to the car. You feel relaxed on the way to the hospital as you and Sora talk. When you get to your moms room you're so happy to see her eyes opened, although her face is still bandaged.
You: Mom!!
You walk to the side of her bed and she puts her hand out to you. You squeeze her hand and smile.
You: Oh god I am so so sorry for all of this, if i had just listened to you none of this would've-
Your mom shakes her head signaling that she doesn't wanna talk about that.
You: um how do you feel?
She sticks her thumb sideways letting you know she doesn't feel her best, but she's getting by.
You: Could your hear me...when you were in the coma?
She nods her head and you halfway smile.
You: So your heard about the abortion?
She nods her head again. You decide to change the subject.
You: I've been staying at Sora's...i didn't wanna be alone at the house
Your mom rubs your hand softly.
You look down at your phone and check the time
You: I have to head to school now, but maybe i'll come by later, if not later then tomorrow
You squeeze her hand softly
You: I love you
She rubs your hand then let's go of it. You walk out the room holding Sora's hand.
Sora: You wanna do something fun this weekend?
You smile
You: I'm down, what though?
Sora: Kobe's having a little party at his house, you wanna go?
You: For sure
Sora: Bettt
He looks down at his feet
Sora: I've missed your smile
You: Well you're gonna be seeing a whole lot more of it. You kiss his cheek then walk around to your side of the car. At school you share the good news with Casey and life finally starts feeling normal again. The rest of the week goes by fast and you visit your mom frequently. Before you know it, it's Friday and Friday night is Kobe's party which you're oddly excited about. Probably because you haven't actually had fun since homecoming weekend.
You: What the fuck should I even wear??
Sora: Wear black
You give him a weird look
You: Okay...?
You decide to wear white instead. You top is long sleeved and cropped. You pair it with a black leather skirt and Doc Martens.
You: Does this look okay?
Sora: It looks hot
You blush a little. Sora smirks
Sora: Blushing?
You: You wish
Sora: Ready???
You: Yeah
You guys head to the party. When you arrive there doesn't seem to be a large sum of people, but still a decent amount. You follow Sora inside and he's greeted by many people. You just stand behind him until the awkwardness is over. You feel someone tap your shoulder and turn around to see Casey.
Casey: I was hoping you'd be here
You: Yeah same
Casey: I hate this type of shit, I only came because it's Kobe's party
You giggle
You: Sora and I wanted to just have fun. You suddenly hear a voice yelling.
You look at Casey and she shrugs her shoulder. You look at Sora and he rolls his eyes, you give him a pleasing look and he agrees. You guys join the circle that's forming but Casey breaks away from you to sit near Kobe. You look at Sora.
You: If you sit next to me the bottle will never land on you
He rolls his eyes.
Sora: I guess
He moves to the opposite side of the circle and you move closer to the person sitting next to you to close off the circle.
Devin: Since it was my idea i'll spin the bottle first
He spins the bottle and to your surprise and annoyance it lands on you. You widen your eyes and Devin looks at Sora.
Devin: I might just steal your girl
You roll your eyes and laugh but Sora doesn't seem amused...

p.s.- dramaaa 👀👀

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