Chapter 59

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⚠️‼️TW: physical violence/aggression‼️⚠️
You find Sora sitting in the lobby staring down at his phone. When you get closer to him he looks up.
Sora: What did she say?
You: She said yes!!
Sora: Really/
You: Yup, so now it's all up to what your parents say
Sora: I hope they say yes
You: Yeah me too
Sora: Ready to go home?
You: Yeah
He stands up from his chair and holds out his hand to you. You take his hand and you guys walk to the car together

When you guys get home, his mom is in the kitchen making dinner. She comes to greet you guys at the door.
Sora: Where's dad
Sora's Mom: He's at a meeting for work
Sora: Will he be home in time for dinner
Sora's Mom: Yes he's on his way home now...why?
Sora: Just wondering
She raises an eyebrow then sighs
Sora's Mom: I call you guys down for dinner when he's home
She turns around and makes her way back to the kitchen. You guys then head upstairs. You open the bedroom door and close it behind Sora.
You: Are you nervous to ask them?
Sora: A little, I'm mostly worried about what my mom will say
You: I kinda don't wanna be there when you ask them
Sora: Why not??
You: I just don't wanna feel like they're judging me or something...I don't know
Sora: That's okay I guess but how are you gonna get out of it?
You: I don't know, maybe I'll say I'm not feeling well or something
Sora: Okay

Sora's mom calls you guys down for dinner around 6. When you guys get downstairs his parents are already seated. You both take your seats.
Sora: What's for dinner?
Sora's Mom: Lasagna
Sora: Seriously mom
She shoots him an angry look and he sighs
Sora: Sorry...
She smiles triumphantly and serves everyone.
Sora's Mom: was school today
Sora: Good...
You take a bite out of your lasagna as you recap the events of today in your mind.His mom shifts her gaze to you
Sora's Mom: How's your mom doing?
You: Really good, she should be out soon
Sora's Mom: That's really good
The rest of dinner is mostly silent. When everyone is done eating you make an attempt to excuse yourself.
You: Can I be excused? I'm actually not feeling too well
Sora's Mom: Yeah of course
You: Thank you
You smile and let yourself out the chair. You make your way upstairs trying not to make it obvious that you aren't actually sick. When he's sure you're upstairs, Sora starts the conversation with his parents.
Sora: Can I talk to you guys about something?
Both his parents nod and look at him
Sora's Mom: What's going on?
Sora takes a deep breath in
Sora: I was wondering if Y/N could stay here...permanently, and if her mom could stay too until she's recovered
Sora's Mom: in move in with us?
Sora: Yeah
Sora's Mom: I don't think so..having her move in is like having another child. I was okay with her staying here until her mom gets better but she can't LIVE here
Sora: But mom...we want our baby to have both parents in the same house, that's important to us
Sora's Mom: The baby will still see you even if he doesn't live here
Sora: Yeah but I want him to be able to see me and Y/N everyday, together
Sora's Mom: She doesn't have to live here for that to happen
Sora: You aren't understanding what I'm trying to say...I don't want our child to feel ABANDONED like how you guys make me feel
Sora's Mom: Sora what??
Sora: Well don't act shocked. You guys have been leaving me for WEEKS at a time since 9th fucking grade and after Egypt moved out the only thing I felt was lonely, but I haven't felt lonely when you guys are gone since I started being with Y/N, she filled the hole that you guys left in my heart
Sora's Mom: Did she make you say that?
Sora's Dad: Now that's not fair...he's trying to tell us how he feels
Sora's Mom: Did SHE make you say all this?
Sora: Why would you say that??
Sora's Mom: Well you're a smart boy...tell me you don't see it, she's toxic and manipulative, your entire relationship with her is built off of manipulation
Sora: Don't talk to me about relationships when you can't even swallow your pride enough to see that you're a HORRIBLE mom to your son. You think just throwing money at me is enough to make me shut up about how I feel...that's manipulation
He gets up from the table as his mom stares at him in shock. He makes his way up the stairs as his dad calls after him.
Sora's Dad: Sora can you just come back?

When Sora comes into the room you look at him, anxious for the answer
You: What did they say?
Sora: They said no
Your face drops and you walk over to him
You: Maybe you just need to try again...try harder
Sora: I DID try hard
You: Yeah but...
Sora: BUT NOTHING Y/N...they said no, it's a done deal
You: Why are you so upset?
Sora: I don't wanna talk about it
You: Why not...I talk to you about all MY feelings
Sora: Jesus you are fucking manipulative
You: What?
You: I'M toxic?? Any time I ask YOU to change something for me it's ALWAYS a problem but I have to bow down on my knees and do whatever the fuck you tell me LIKE YOU FUCKING CONTROL ME OR SOMETHING. YOU'RE THE ONE WITH ALL THE POWER IN THIS RELATIONSHIP
Suddenly he slaps you across the face. You put your hand on your cheek and look at him with pure shock. As much as you guys have fought, he's never gotten physical with you. A few tears roll down your face...but they aren't tears of sadness...they're tears of anger
You: Why don't you use your aren't a little kid matter how much you wanna act like one
He pushes you up against the way and tightens his hands around your throat.
Sora: Maybe I do control you...but that's only because you let me, just like you're letting me choke the fucking life out of you right now. If you want something to stop then make it stop
He releases you from his grip and you gasp for air. You stare at him for a moment and he stares deep into your eyes. He then pulls you close to him and pushes his lips onto yours. You kiss him back and the kisses are passionate. You're still struggling to breathe but for some reason you don't care. You pull away to catch your breath and pull you top off. You lean back in to kiss him again as he lifts you up. He brings his kisses down your neck sucking harshly, it almost hurts. He carries you over to the bed and aggressively throws you on it. You take off the rest of your clothing and he takes off his. He flips you over so that you're on all fours and sharply inserts himself into you. He fucks you roughly, as if he's taking out his anger on you. While still fucking you he reaches over into the drawer of his nightstand and pulls something out. When you hear a low buzzing sound you know exactly what it is. He places the vibrator against your clit as if abusing your hole isn't enough. You inhale shakily and moan, barely able to speak.
You: F-fuckkk
Sora: I think you can handle a little more than that
He turns the vibrator up some more and you moan loudly
You: I need to cum...
Sora: Hold it
You: I can't
He smacks your ass really hard, causing you to wince in pain
Sora: Yes you can
He makes the vibrator more intense as he continues thrusting in and out of you. You moan helplessly and he smirks
Sora: You're such a good little slut for daddy
He opens your mouth and sticks his fingers down your throat, causing you to gag.
You: I really wanna cum
Sora: Wait
He pulls out of you and replaces his dick with his fingers. He slips 3 fingers inside of you, aggressively pushing them in and out. You grip the sheets and moan loudly when he hits your g spot
You: Mmm fuck daddy right there...
You tilt your head upward to look at him pleadingly
You: Please let me cum
Sora: Fine
You release onto his fingers and your body feels week. After you release he still continues playing with you. The overstimulation causes you pain.
You: That h-hurts
Sora: I know
After a few more moments, he shuts the vibrator off and pulls his fingers out of you. He forces you to look up at him and sticks his fingers into your mouth so that you can taste yourself. When you're done sucking your juices off his fingers you flop down on your stomach.
Sora: Did you learn your lesson?
You: Yes...

p.s- so much happened in one part ✋🏽 but anyways the way they went from 🤬🤬 to 😩🙇‍♀️ and then his parents downstairs like 👁👄👁

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