Chapter 66

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When you get out the shower, Sora is laying down on the bed. You dump your dirty clothes on top of your bag.
Sora: Are you actually mad??
You: No, can you turn off the light? I wanna go to sleep
Sora: Yeah sure
He reaches over and switches the light off.
Sora: I'm gonna go change
You: K
Sora: Are you sure you're not mad?
You: I'M NOT...can you just be quiet so I can go to sleep...please
Sora: Okay...
You turn over onto your side so that you can fall asleep. When he returns from the bathroom you're sleeping. He lays down beside you. After a while he still hasn't fallen asleep so he decides to get up and walk around the hotel. He silently exits the room making sure not to wake you up. He goes downstairs to the lobby which is pretty empty and quiet. He then decides to go outside by the pool. He sits down on one of the chairs and stares at the ground. He's startled out of his thoughts by a voice.
Hailey: Hey
Sora: Hey...
Hailey: You couldn't sleep either
Sora laughs a little
Sora: Nah
She sits down on the chair next to him and places a hand on his shoulder.
Hailey: You okay?
Sora: Yeah...I'm fine
Hailey: I think if you were fine you'd be upstairs sleeping and not out here...what's wrong
Sora: I think she's mad at me
Hailey: Who?
Sora: My girlfriend, I love her so much but sometimes she gets pissed at me for the smallest things
Hailey: Hm
Sora: What?
Hailey: Nothing, whatever's upsetting her, I'm sure she'll get over it soon
Sora: Yeah
She moves her hand down to his knee
Hailey: For now just wait it out
There's a moment of silence aside from the sound of crickets chirping. Suddenly Hailey leans in to kiss him. For a moment he kisses her back but then he pulls away.
Sora: I have a girlfriend...
Hailey: Yeah I know, I just...forget it
She gets up from the chair and Sora sighs
Sora: Hailey wait
Hailey: No it's okay, I get it, goodnight
She makes her way back into the hotel and Sora takes a deep breath. After about 30 minutes he goes back into the hotel room. He quietly enters and you're still sleeping. He climbs back into bed and eventually falls asleep.

When you wake up Sora is still sleeping. You roll over to check the time on your phone. It's around 11:00. You shake Sora awake and he opens his eyes. You smile a little.
You: Good morning
Sora: Good morning
You: You sleep okay?
Sora: Yeah, why wouldn't I?
You: I don't know, I just wanted to make sure
Sora: Did you sleep okay?
You: Yeah
You both pause for a moment
You: I'm sorry about yesterday. I overreacted and it isn't your fault Hailey is interested in you, and I'm grateful for you for not doing anything with her
Sora: Yeah it's okay
You: So we're good
Sora: Yeah of course
He feels the guilt in his stomach but he tries to push it away. You smile and kiss his cheek
You: Good
You then climb out of bed to get ready for the day. Once you're finished getting ready, Sora goes to get ready too.
You: Can we go to Starbucks
Sora: Yeah of course
You smile excitedly and grab your phone. You follow him out the hotel room. When you guys arrive at Starbucks you order your usual. On the way back to the hotel you speak
You: So what are we doing today?
Sora: I don't really have anything planned today but I told Egypt we'd come over for dinner so
You: We should get our tattoos after
Sora: I agree
You: We really need to think of a name for the baby
He places a hand on your thigh
Sora: It will come to us, I promise

You guys start getting ready around 5. Sora told Egypt you guys would be there around 6:30 and his house is about a half an hour away from the hotel.
You: I'm gonna wear the sundress today
Sora: Okay, it looks so good on you
You smile a little
You: Thank you
Sora: Of course
When you're done getting dressed you go do your makeup. When you're finished with your makeup Sora is done getting ready too.
Sora: Are you ready
You: Yeah, do I look okay?
Sora: You look beautiful and besides it's just my brother
You: You're right I guess
Sora smiles
Sora: Let's go

When you guys arrive at Egypt's house you observe. It's pretty decently sized considering only 3 people live there. In the driveway there is a black Audi and a white Cadillac SUV. Sora parks behind the Cadillac and you both walk to the door. Sora rings the doorbell and a few moments later Ashley answers, holding Harmony in her arms.
Ashley: You guys made!!! Come on in
She opens the door wider and lets you guys in. There's a few today scattered on the floor.
Ashley: Sorry about the mess, you know how kids are
You: It's okay, your house is really nice
Ashley: Thank you!!
She sets Harmony down on the ground.
Ashley: Harmony say hi
Harmony: Hi!!
You smile.
You: Hi!
Sora: Hey Harmony
She smiles and waves.
Harmony: I made you something
Sora: Ooo what is it?
Harmony: I have to go to my room to get it
She runs up the stairs, nearly tripping on her way up
Ashley: Harmony be careful
Harmony: I am being careful mommy
You: She's so adorable
You slide your shoes off and line them neatly against the wall, Sora does the same.
Sora: Where's Egypt
Ashley: He's in the, I should probably make sure he isn't burning the house down
She goes into the kitchen and a few moments later Harmony returns from her room. She hands Sora a piece of paper and she hands you one too.
Harmony: I made them myself
You: This looks amazing! I'll keep it forever
Harmony: Yay!!
She gives you a hug and you smile. Sora makes his way into the living room and you follow him.
Sora: Since when do you cook Egypt?
Egypt: Shut up I'm not stupid, working a stove isn't THAT hard, and I'm almost done
Sora: What did you make?
Egypt: Steak
Harmony looks at you
Harmony: Whenever my dad cooks, it's nasty
Ashley: HARMONY!! That's not nice
She looks down at her feet
Harmony: Sorry
Ashley: It's okay...go sit down at the table, dinner is almost ready.
Harmony taps your leg
Harmony: Will you sit next to me
You: Of course!
You make your way to the dining room and take a seat next to her. You giggle at the way she can barely reach the table. Eventually everyone else joins and you guys begin to eat. Ashley looks over at you.
Ashley: So, how has everything been with the baby?
You: Good, he's healthy but we still haven't thought of a name
Ashley: Naming is hard...just take your time
You: Yeah
Egypt: Whatever you do, don't let my brother name him
Sora rolls his eyes
Sora: Whatever Egypt
You giggle and smile a little. After dinner is over, Ashley is in the kitchen cleaning dishes while Sora and Egypt catch up. Harmony is sitting on the carpet playing with dolls.
You: Can I help you with anything?
Ashley: Oh no, it's okay
You: No I insist
Ashley: Could you maybe just wipe up the counters and the table for me
You: Of course
Once you're done you return the cleaning supplies to the kitchen.
Ashley: Thank you so much
You: No problem
You then go into the living room where Sora is.
You: Ready to go?
Sora: Yeah
Harmony: You guys are leaving already??
You: Yeah...we have plans and it's almost your bed time
You tickle her a little and she giggles
Harmony: I don't want you guys to go
Sora: Don't worry, we'll come visit you real soon
Harmony: Promise
Sora: I promise
You: Me too
Sora says bye to Egypt and so do you. They all walk you to the door and you say your goodbyes again. When you guys are in the car you smile.
You: They're such a cute little family, I hope you, me, and baby yet to be named are a cute family
Sora: We will be
You: It's tattoo time!!
Sora giggles
Sora: Yup
He looks up a tattoo shop to go to and finds one about 5 minutes away. When you guys arrive, Sora looks at you
Sora: Nervous?
You: Never
Sora: What are you gonna get?
You: Let's surprise each other
Sora: Bet
He smiles and pulls the door open. He lets you in first and he follows behind you. You're greeted by a woman at the front counter.
Woman: What can I do for you guys today?
Sora: Just tattoos
Woman: Can I see your ID's?
Sora pulls you fake ID's out his pocket and hands them to the woman. She quickly scans over them and nods.
Woman: Right this way
Sora slides the ID's back into his pockets and follows the woman. She motions to 2 chairs, 1 for you and 1 for Sora. She calls over a man to do Sora's tattoo.
Woman: So what do you wanna get?
You: Can you write the name Sora in like cursive on the side of my thigh
Woman: Yeah of course
You: Just like a medium size I guess
Woman: Okay, black ink?
You: Yes please
Woman: Okay!! Let's get started
She adjusts the chair so that you're laying down and lifts your dress a little. She starts the process of the tattoo. After about 2 hours both you and Sora are done with your tattoos. The woman explains the healing process to you and then brings you over to the register to pay. After Sora pays you guys head back to the car
You: It's time to go first
Sora: Okay
He holds his left arm out to show a tattoo of your name with a heart next to it. You smile excitedly.
You: I love it so much...thank you
Sora: Of course, now show me yours
You lift up your dress to reveal the side of your left thigh where you have his name tattooed.
Sora: No fucking way, it looks so good, I love it
You: I can't believe we had the same idea
Sora: I know
You smile and press your forehead against his
You: I love you
Sora: I love you too

p.s.- so much happened in this part 👩🏽‍🦯 and you already KNOW who came up with the idea of them visiting Egypt 💀

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