Chapter 26

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When you arrive at your house you can't even bring yourself to go inside.
You: Will you go for me...?
Sora: Yeah of course
He goes inside and a few minutes later returns with your backpack slung over his shoulder. He gets back in the car and hands it to you and you smile a little
You: Thank you
Sora: You don't need to thank me
He begins to drive to school. When you guys arrive you have to mentally prepare yourself. You take a deep breath and tell yourself you can do it. You head inside, following closely behind Sora. When Casey sees you she runs over and throws her arms around you.
Casey: I'm so so sorry about your mom
You slightly push her off you
You: It's fine...just please don't treat me any differently, i wanna feel some what normal.
Casey: Yeah of course
Sora taps your shoulder lightly
Sora: I'm gonna go but text me if you wanna leave okay?
You nod your head and half smile. Casey grabs your hand and begins going on about how much she likes Kobe. Normal...this is normal. The day goes by slow, filled with whispers and stares from your classmates and endearing looks and the words "take as much time as you need" from your teacher. Somehow, some way you're able to make it through the day and even smile a little. At the end of the school day you meet up with Sora, ready for the next task to conquer...your abortion.
You: Um before we go to my appointment can we stop by my house...I need some clothes
Sora: Of course, are you gonna go inside??
You: I cant...
Sora: That's okay
He puts his arm around you as you guys walk to the car. You stop at your house and he returns to the call with an armful of clothes. Then you head to the appointment. You feel like you wanna vomit on the way there. It feels as if the world is crumbling around you...and maybe Sora can tell because he lightly squeezes your knee and looks at you.
Sora: You are gonna be okay
You smile and nod a little then take a deep breath as you guys pull into the parking lot of the clinic. When you get out the car you can no longer keep your insides from exploding. You bend over and vomit on the pavement. You feel like you've just thrown up everything you ate in the last 3 days. Sora walks over to your side of the car as you cough making sure there's nothing else coming up. He rubs your back as tears run down your face. You hate that he has to see you like this and you just wanna disappear.
You: I'm fine...
You stand up straight despite the weak feeling in your body and walk to the entrance of the clinic. You enter the doors your eyes red around the outsides. You look visibly sick. You guys are greeted by a nurse.
Nurse: I can help you right over here
She smiles and waves you over to her desk.
Nurse: Can I have a name for the appointment
You: Um Y/N...
The nurse types something into the computer then looks back up.
Nurse: And you're here for termination??
You nod your head, she sounds so enthusiastic and it makes you wanna vomit all over again.
Nurse: Alright, if you could just sit in this chair, I need to ask you a few questions before the procedure
She asks you a series of questions, most of them being about your mental health and no doubt Sora learns a lot of new and surprising information about you.
Nurse: Okay we're all set...follow me
You follow the nurse into the room where the procedure will take place, Sora following close behind you. There's another woman in there, probably a doctor. She has 2 needles and a pill set up on a tray.
Nurse: You can lay down right here
She motions to the exam table and you lay down on it. The other woman then begins talking. She hands you a pill.
Doctor: Take this, it will help with the discomfort
You take the pill out her hands and swallow it dry, struggling to get it down your throat.
Doctor: Your...boyfriend..? Can hold your hand if you'd like him too, i recommend listening to some music to distract you
You fish around in your pocket for your AirPods and then put them in when you find them. You turn your music up as loud as it can possibly go then hold your hand out to Sora, signaling that you want him to hold it. He takes your hand and the doctor begins the procedure. She sticks the first needle into your side and you wince at the slight pain. You disappear into another world until everything is done. You're drawn back in by the sound of the doctor talking to you.
Doctor: You're all set, if the termination fails you're welcome to come back.
You nod your head as Sora helps you off the examination table. Once out of the room you break down into tears, your weak body falling onto the floor. You know anyone nearby is staring at you but you don't care. You sob, not being able to catch your breath as Sora just holds you and rocks you trying to calm you down. Everything just hurts

p.s.- i wrote this in like 15 minutes 😹✋🏽

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