Chapter 52

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You aren't looking forward to school. You spent the weekend doing absolutely nothing except hanging out with Casey's family who is very nice. The only time you left the house was to get more makeup because you couldn't bare going back to the house to get yours. You're sitting on Casey's bedroom floor doing your makeup and using your phone as a mirror.
Casey: Are you sure you don't wanna sit at my vanity?
You: I'm sure, I've already taken up enough of your space
Casey: Girl don't be that way
You smile
You: Casey I'm fine with sitting on the floor
Casey: Whatever you say
After you guys are both ready you go downstairs to eat breakfast with her family. Casey lives with her two brothers, Joshua and Matthew who are twins, her mom, and her dad. Her house is chaotic but you're okay with that. Once you're both done eating you guys go outside to get in the car.
You: I'll drive, it's the least I can do
Casey: Okay
You unlock your car and she climbs into the passenger seat. You begin to drive to school. It takes longer to get there than it does from Sora's house. When you and Casey arrive at school you make your way to the entrance.
You: I do not wanna be here today
Casey puts her hand on your shoulder.
Casey: It's gonna be okay
You: I guess
You guys go stand in your normal spot by the lockers. You're talking when Sora approaches you. You let out a deep sigh.
Sora: Hey
You: Hi
Sora: How are you?
You: Good, you?
Sora: I'm okay
There's an awkward pause
You: Did you need something
Sora: Nah I just wanted to check on you
You: You could've just texted...but thanks
Sora: I didn't know if I should text
You: It's okay
You smile as a way to dismiss him.
Sora: See you later, in chem
You: Yeah
After he walks off Casey looks at you.
Casey: Awkwardddd
You smile and jokingly roll your eyes.

By the time lunch time comes around you have at least 7 homework assignments which is the cherry on top to your already awful day. You make your way to the cafeteria but stop at the vending machine on the way there. You decide a bag of chips and a drink will be your lunch. You purchase them both and then begin eating the chips on your walk to the cafeteria.
When you get to the cafeteria it appears as if your already horrible day has gotten worse. Sora is holding a large bundle of flowers and a huge bear. You check the date on your phone to make sure it isn't Valentine's Day or something. It's definitely you're extremely confused. Many eyes are on you.
You: What's this for?
Sora: To say I'm sorry
You: For?
Sora: For our fight, I shouldn't have gotten so upset over a joke, and the promise we made should've applied to me too
You: I appreciate this grand gesture but you can't by my forgiveness
He goes silent
You: I love you, I do but I don't want our relationship to be toxic, I don't want anyone or anything coming between us, nobody on the outside should be causing problems in our relationship, i want all that to stop because I love you and I need you, and more importantly our baby needs you
Sora: I know...i'm trying to make all that go away, but I can't work through it by myself
You: I know
Sora: Is my apology accepted?
You: Can we talk later...when we don't have an audience? I'll come by after school today
Sora: Okay...what about like the gifts and stuff?
You: Hold on to them for me?
Sora: Yeah of course, I got you
You smile and walk to your table where Casey is waiting for you.
Casey: What was all that?
You: His way of saying sorry
You unscrew the cap on your drink and take a sip.

You drop Casey off at home and head over to Sora's house. You ring the doorbell and he answers.
Sora: Hey
You: Hey
He opens the door wider and steps out your way, gesturing toward the inside of the house
Sora: Come in
You walk into the door, you've almost forgotten what the house looks like so you look around a bit before setting your bag on the couch.
Sora: Wanna go up to my room? Our room I guess
You: Yeah sure
You both go upstairs and he lets you in the door first. You sit on the bed and he sits down beside you.
Sora: I'm sorry, I really am
You: It isn't your fault
Sora: It kinda is, I made you make a promise but didn't make that apply to me too and that isn't fair, besides i continue to let Taty come between our relationship and isn't okay...if you want me to i'll stop talking to her
You: I don't want you to stop talking to her...she's your friend, but i need you to be able to let her know when she's out of line you know?
Sora: Yeah I get it...i'll stop doing that
You: Okay
Sora: And by the way...when I said wanted you to move in permanently i meant that, i didn't just say it so that you'd stay, i think us living in the same house is best for our baby, you know to have like stability and stuff, and i know with your mom still recovering she might still need help even if she gets discharged, so she's welcome too, there's more than enough room, obviously it's a lot but just think on it please
You: I don't need to think, i say yes, i only want the best for our baby and being able to see both of us and his grandparents everyday is the best
Sora smiles a little
Sora: That's are we okay now?
You: We're perfect
You smile and lean in to kiss him. He kisses you back and rubs your cheek with this thumb, cupping your other cheek with his hand. The rings on his fingers feel cold against your skin. He lays down so that he's on top of you and continues to kiss you.

p.s.- i think we can all sense what's gonna happen...maybe 😗 ANYWAYS Shy gave me this idea ofc 😭

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