Tpn- school au- Norray 🌈

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(in this au, norman is a new kid, ray is trans and emma is his only friend)

Normans pov

It was my first day at GraceField High. i won't tell you everything as it was the typical tour and introduction of the school. I was toured around  by a lovely girl with bright orange hair and green eyes, Emma. She told me where my class was and we walked together as it was also her class. I saw everyone in their little friendship groups except one student. Their hood was up and hair covered their face so I couldn't tell if it was a 'he' or 'she', Emma walked over to them.

"Ray, come on head up silly, now is not a time to sleep. Norman this is Ray, he's been my friend for a while and Ray this is Norman."

I noticed Ray's eyes lit up when Emma said 'he' so I guess Ray has a preference to be referred to as a 'he'. The teacher walked in and we went to our seats, i waited to find an open seat before Ray spoke, his voice hushed but something about it was different

"The seats around me are empty, people seat away from me and Emma has to sit at the front"

I felt bad for him so I took the seat next to him. The lesson you ask? It was biology which I usually struggled with the most however it seemed Ray really knew his stuff. We were learning about photosynthesis and I saw Ray writing about a palisade mesophyll? He was really helpful and although he seemed like the shy type he did help me out a bit.

The bell finally rang after two long hours meaning it was break, Emma led me to the spot where she and Ray spent their breaks and lunches, she explained to me how it was just them two together but she had the choice to be with the popular group but stuck with Ray. it was sweet of her and i found that proved she was a great friend. Although my curiosity did get the best of me when Emma said 'because ray is- well that's 'personal'. I knew not to ask and so stayed quiet as we all stayed in the spot but couldn't help but notice Ray adjusting his hoodie a lot, purposefully trying to make it baggy. I sighed silently and let the curiosity kill the cat as the saying foes

"Ray, I can't help but notice, you keep adjusting your hoodie. Is everything alright?"

"Yes it's fine. it doesn't matter' a slight annoyance in his tone, i went to speak but Emma spoke first

"Ray? Is it because of the thing? Because if you come with me after school i can try and help"

I watched Ray nod at her and Emma sat to hug him slightly, just a side hug. I saw her whisper something to him and just heard the words 'what if he's like everyone else?'. The whispering continued before Ray gave in to her. Emma turned to me and got my attention

"Norman? Before I tell you anything I need you to be honest. What's your opinion on the LGBT community?"

"Oh- sorry I just didn't expect that type of question but I have nothing against it. K mean it'd be hypocritical if i did as i'm Bisexual myself" i responded, showing in my body language i wasn't lying

Emma nodded and Ray sighed before speaking, his voice hushed like before so I hesitantly sat near him. Emma nudged me slightly to encourage me on and i guess she could tell, despite nothing but his emma i had a moment of love at first sight with ray

"I'm- well. Please don't judge but i'm transgender"

I smiled with comfort in my face at him. "Thank you for telling me Ray, I support you. You need a binder correct? Just guessing by the way you want your hoodie baggy?"

Ray nodded at me, curiosity written all over his face. I barely knew him but the way his face and eyes were the way to read his thoughts was adorable

"My mum does sewing and fashion design, if you want I can ask her to make you one?"

"That's sweet of you to offer Norman but-"

Emma interrupted her friend "Ray if you want one, it may be good instead of waiting for the delivery as it will take a while to come in"

"Alright, if your mum is okay with that then yes please"

It was after school and I had convinced my mum to make one, she did her usual of taking the measurements and calculating what size to do and everything. She allowed us to go off telling Ray before he followed that it should take about two weeks to make it perfectly or as perfect as she could.

Two weeks later

It was the weekend and I had arranged to meet Ray so I could give him the binder but also ask him out. After a few minutes of Walking , i  arrived at his house. He opened the door welcoming me in and I passed him the package first. I watched a smile come on his face as he hugged me thanks, leading me to his room before walking off to change into it. Although it was muffled I could hear him sounding and feeling euphoric and I felt a sense of joy wash over me.  As he walked back into the room, he thanked me once again, i took a deep breath before talking

" Ray i know we haven't known each other for long but the first time i ever saw you, i knew i was in love and this feeling has grown over the weeks and well i was hoping-"

Ge cut me off sitting next to me "if you're asking me to be your boyfriend the answer is yes"

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