Tpn- movies- Norray with a bit of rayemma

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(A/n: thank you for 500 reads! A bit of Different ship for tpn :0 amazing. Ray and Norman are together. Emma likes ray)

Emma raced through the corridors, ignoring the shouts from Isabella to stop running. She skidded to a stop to make the turn before bursting forward, she got to the library and slammed the door open watching Norman jump slightly and turn his head to face the door and Ray barely look up from his book and knew it was her.

"Could you be any louder?"

"Yes I can Ray and if you're not careful I'll make that a challenge to prove it"

"God please don't"

"Anywayyyyy I wanted to ask, mama is going to let me use the movie machine thing and I wanted to watch a film with you but I can't work it out"

"The DVD player? God you're stupid"

"Ray be nice to her but that's sounds nice Emma"

"Yay and come on ray Pleaseeee"

"I didn't say no"

"But you called-"

"You stupid? Yea the machine isn't hard to work out"

"You do it then!"

Ray got up and placed the book away walking over to Emma and let her lead the way, she waited for Norman giving him a look of "should I?" To which the white haired boy nodded so Emma grabbed Ray's hand and beamed at him, waiting to see if he would pull away seeing he was thinking about it before deciding to so she tightened her grip slightly.

"Ray please?"

"Emma let go"

"...alright sorry"

"No it's just- I was going to let you but I needed to move my hand"

"Ohhh" she smiled at him again having to hide a slight blush.

Ray passed Emma his hand making sure his  sleeves were over his arms. They got to the room and ray quickly set up the device.

"Now you just put the disk in there, with the photo on the disk facing up"

Emma nodded and looked at the films picking one and put the disk in. Norman quickly whispered to her "ray when are we going to tell her?"

"We can soon if you want?"

"Yea but when is soon?"

"After the film?"

Norman nodded and the two sat down, Ray sat between Emma and Norman.

The film had gone on for about an hour and Emma had curled herself against, Norman noticed this so got up and ray knew immediately so gently pulled away from Emma and followed him.

"Ray I-"

"It's alright Norman, look do you want me to sit on the other side of you? So you're between us"

"But then Emma will get suspicious and"

"Norman it's Emma she'll probably just think you wanted to be next to her and if not I can just move a bit away and say something like 'I need some space' or similar"

"I guess but-" before Norman could continue Emma walked out.

"Guys is everything okay?"

"Yea Emma it's-"

"You want to tell her Norman? It's now or never I guess"

"Sure. Look Emma, I walked out because I got slightly upset that you were cuddling ray since well we are together and"

"Oh. Oh I'm sorry Norman if I knew I would have"

"It's alright Emma, we just wanted you to know and I wanted you to know that I'm not upset or mad at you just"

"Just jealous"

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