Tpn- its not your fault- spoilers

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(Not the best cuz I was really stressed out while writing this. Not cuz if the story personal life is really testing me at the moment- anyway umm character death and angst and if people want a part two of Norman's reaction I'll do one :3. SPOILERS AHEAD))

Emma knew about Ray's secret plan after being told by Norman. So that night she sat awake waiting for the right time to go stop his plan.

Deciding it was the right time Emma got up from her bed and walked down the hall to the library, she entered and saw Ray starting the plan. He had started to pour gasoline everywhere. Emma cleared her throat getting Ray's attention, he turned to her and let a small chuckle escape his mouth.

"Ray don't do this"

"Oh Emma- sorry but" he lifted his arm and poured the gasoline over himself, staring down as he did as he emptied the bottle. He looked up the liquid dripping from his hair as he grabbed the match box and held it in his hand. He lit the match and watched the flame before speaking to the girl in front of him

""Isn't this the greatest? The perfect corer with the set shipment date will burn up. She won't be able to abandon me. I've been waiting for this day. I decided this a long time ago. Many, many years ago. It's a childish retaliation. You know what, Emma? I've never really been interested in studying or reading, But I endured it, and I worked hard to improve my value to the
highest it could be. Twelve years. I'm a feast that they've been waiting for. I'm going to take that away from them tonight. Right before the harvest, they've been looking forward to"

And at that Ray smiled and dropped the lit match"Bye Emma"

The ginger haired girl jumped to grab it missing it and tried again watching it slip through her fingers and hit the gasoline on the floor and burst into a flame. She jumped out of the way ensuring Anna, thoma and Lannion where out of the way. She held back tears and she heard coughing from within in the flames, Anna having to hold the girl back to stop her from charging into the flame herself.

Emma burst into tears calling out the boy's name partially to continue the plan but mostly since she wanted to help her friend and get him out, get him safe. Have him alive.

Yet no matter how much she called nothing was going to work. She knew this. Yet she tried. Tried till she couldn't scream anynore, till her tears turned silent.

Isabella saw the scene and went to get a fire extinguisher and in that time Anna yanked Emma along to get her going, removing her tracker and the four went racing to meet the others. They all continued the plan as if nothing was wrong. Like Ray wasn't missing. Emma hated it. She felt guilty, a guilt that would stick with her no matter what.

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