Newsies- not a ship. Angst time hoes. Get on the train

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(Oh my god- im not dead shocker- woAh-
I totally did not- 👀👀did not forgot to upload then proceed to have a massive writers block and give myself stress over college work just to drop out of the subject me naevErRrRrRRrRr
Anyhoo im gay and obessed with newsies so uhHh whatever this is
I talk a lot don't I? Broski having a full monologue. Freaking Shakespeare character over having a whole conversation with myself- I Am going off topic....
Anyhoo this idea came from a friend so yea
Newsies Jack Kelly and Spot Conlon: NOT A SHIP. Can be applied to musical or movie, I've combined the two anyway and a few headcannons-))

((Trigger warning for fighting/ violence, vulgar language, mentions of vomit and blood and weapons/ knifes))

Jack Kelly: Manhattan newsies. And the unofficial leader due to the strike. He knew the streets well, knew everything. He was extremely street smart.
However with the came injuries, the 17 year old had a myriad of scars across him, one's that never healed correctly and left a mark of every battle the boy had gone through. There was one he had that was a historical moment in newsie boy history along with a few headlines but this was one thing no one knew would happen. Not even the newsie known for his excellent gambling and predicting skills knew this would happen.

The scar above Jack's left eye leading into in his eyebrow. While the newsie with this litter of scars was usually proud of them, the face scar one was a story he always shut down. It was one of those you had to be there to know it or had to be luckily to have heard the gossip.

Recently.... Well we say recently it had been a few weeks by now but they were relatively new to the job of hauling papers and selling them to poor bastards dumb enough to get fooled by the newsies. David or as his name had been changed to Davey and Les Jacobs.

Davey saw the scar and wanted to with every inch of his ask about it but every time he did or tried to, Jack would shut it down, change the topic or purposely find an excuse as to not answer.

There was the strike that all the newsies were apart of and won, while everyone was celebrating there was still a tension but not between Pulizter and the boys. No between Jack Kelly and the Brooklyn leader. Spot Conlon. The short yet most intimidating newsies ever, every one newsie knew not to mess with spot. The two leaders never spoke unless they had to and even then it wasn't pleasant at all, stabbing each other with words. Trying to make the other snap for an excuse of a fight yet both to stubborn or maybe too smart to know to not through the first punch.

David was always the analytical type, and he just wanted to understand this. Why did the two get along with everyone it made no sense? So he decided to take matters into his own hand, he knew he couldn't ask either of them directly, he would be walking straight into a dead end. He'd just have to try someone else, someone close to the two boys. The second in commands.

So later that night, Davey walked up to Racetrack Higgins to start figuring it out.

"So Race, i uh wanted to ask you something... I was just wondering about well"

Davey tried to piece the words together yet the small of cigar smoke seemed to be clogging his mind, he managed to get out what he wanted to say.

"Why don't Jack and Spot like each other? I mean they get along with everyone but the other"

Race chuckled almost in amusement at the question as he held his cigar between his fingers, tapping some loose ash from it before holding it back between his lips. "Those two? It's a long story"

"I'd be willing to listen"

"It ain't my place to tell you"

"Come on, is there no way I can convince you? Even just something small about it?"

"Alright fine, look the two had a massive argument and Spot banned Jack from Brooklyn, kicked him out of the turf"

Davey nodded in thanks before walking off to find Crutchie. Jack's best friend, the newsie with all the gossip, nothing got around without Crutchie knowing.

And so with that, Davey sat next to the boy and asked the question about the argument. He smiled knowing he had figured it out as he watched Crutchie perk up and start speaking.

"The argument of 1892 huh? Well ain't that a story and a half. So to start with, Jack and Spot used to be close. They grew up together, spot was like the father Jack never had despite them being the same age"

Davey's mind felt sore just processing that, this two got along and now they act like arch nemesis???


As Crutchie continued talking, Davey could start to picture everything in front of him as if we was there when it happened.

31st October 1892

It was a normal day for selling, the sun was up and the headline was good. Well mostly normal Jack and Spot had been shouting again.

Yet like usual it seemed to cease.

However that evening was when it took a turn for a worse. There was a circle of newsies around two boys, both shouting. The voices belonging to Spot and Jack. Spot clearly had, had enough of Jack's reckless attitude and lack of listening skills. The way the boy just wanted to do things his way.

And that had broken Spot's temper.  Both boys were always fighters when the adrenaline kicked in and that's exactly what happened.

A fight.

A brutal fight. Multiple bleeding wounds, a few punches so violent it causes the victim of them to throw up. Yet that didn't stop either of them.

No they were a perfect match for each other's strength and neither were backing down.

Spot knew this. He knew Jack was a equal strength to him, he had grown up with and taught this kid how to be a newsie and now every lesson was being thrown back in his face, quite literally.

That's when it happened, in a fit of fury Spot pulled out his pocket knife and flicked the blade out of the handle.

Everyone went silent as they watched Spot grab Jack's shirt collar and kick him in the shin so his legs buckled and they were equal height before brining the blade up to jack's face.

Jack's eyes went wide with fear. He immediately tried to get himself free all while watching Spot's face. Watching the boy he saw as a father holding a blade above him.

Jack gave of an agonised yell one that would remain a core memory in all those newsies head whether they wanted it to or not. One that would cause then fear and traumatic flashbacks for years to come. The painful whimper the rough and tumble newsie gave off the panic to get away. The tears brimming his eyes as his breath got shallower, his chest tightened, his heart rate sped up.

Luckily someone managed to pull Spot out of it before the situation got worse. The boy immediately dropped his pocket knife and Crutchie scooped it up shoving it in Spot's pocket with a glare.  A warning dare to try it again and watch what happens. The boy with the bum leg hobbled over to Jack was holding the bleeding wound on his brow and the two walked off.

Silence was all that was heard.

Awkward silence.

As Spot stormed off, bothered there was no  determined winner seeing that Jack wasn't eating sand.

Every other newsie was frozen in silence before scattering to the respectful turf.

The only thing that broke the silence was Spot's shout filled with animosity. The way he spat out his words like they disgusted him "I do not want to see you step a toe near Brooklyn again yah hear me Kelly! If I saw your stupid face again it'll be a lot more then a cut that you get!"

And with that Spot turned off and walked away.

And to this day, the two have never spoke nor forgiven each other. Both still held a grudge for the fact they grew up and changed. But maybe it was more then that to the reason. Maybe just maybe.

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