Tpn- Famous au- Norray 💕

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(in this au, Norman is famous for his photography and modelling and ends up hiring a bodyguard to keep him safe from fans. Norman is also fake dating Emma for the sake for their fans but hates it.i also don't hate Emma, she is like tjis for the au sake And for the gays)

Ray's pov

I woke up early, sighing an annoyance, sitting myself up and trying to adjust to the light and also process that I had woken up. After a minute or so, I swung my legs out from under me and got up. I made my way towards the kitchen where mum, Isabella, was making breakfast for herself. I could tell she didn't expect me to be awake when she almost jumped out of her skin before speaking to me

"Ray! You scared me, I thought you'd sleep in more. Could you not sleep again?"

"No, I slept. I just woke up early I guess" I responded, just grabbing an apple. I wasn't hungry but was in the mood for a lecture about the importance of breakfast.

Mum just nodded before turning to look at me "a letter arrived for you, about a job. You should take it"

I froze for a second before looking up "what's the job and from who?"

"it's your letter why don't you read it" she practically snapped at me.

I walked off rolling my eyes as I picked up the letter, examining the envelope. It was quite fancy so it must be some sort of rich person. Why would a rich person contact me? Ugh whatever. I opened the envelope and scanned over it.

Dear Ray,

I am writing as I have been informed you have done training in order to proceed work as a bodyguard. My son has been having issues with others invading his privacy, which is why I hope you can help. This job will involve long working hours and not leaving my son's side unless I directly tell you. However to make this fair on your part, i will pay high and we can arrange lots of break days.

If you are willing to take this job, please meet my family on June 12th at 9am sharp. The address is *******

Yours sincerely, Ms Minerva

I checked the time seeing it was 8:30 roughly so I raced off to get dressed, throwing on an all vlack outfit consisting of some boots, cargo pants, an oversized hoodie and a mask. I rushed out the door having to google the address, getting no search response just as i expected so instead googled the local area and started to walk as it was a 10 minute walk.

Once I arrived at the place, I caught my breath and knocked on the door being welcomed in by what I guessed was a butler. He walked off to collect who I came here for and so I waited patiently at the door. The lady who sent me the letter soon arrived.

"Ray, it's so nice to see you and you look very professional already. I have high hopes you will work out"

"I will do what it takes to do this job correctly ma'am" i politely responded

She smiled at me before calling her son, a snowy white haired boy with icy blue eyes walked in. I have to admit he was really pretty- no I need to stay professional, I respectfully acknowledge his presence. Staying silent as to not speak out of line.

"Norman, this lovely gentleman is your new Bodyguard hopefully, you will get along better since he is your age, now go show him around and make conversation" she told him sounding very stern but smiling sweetly at me.

I nod in thanks as Norman led me around their home, the boy stayed quiet and so did I. This seemed to irritate him slightly but he seemed to hide it. Norman turned to me starting a conversation

"Ray? Right" I nod to him to tell him he was correct "you don't talk much, are you mute?"

I finally respond to him "no, I just know better than to speak out of line"

"oh" was all Norman was able to say before going to his room. I saw it was his room and so stopped myself outside to allow him privacy. He called me into the room so I went in

"Your room is also conveniently mine, you can have that single bed there. That should be fine right?"

"that's more than enough, thank you"

We spoke for a while, I just explained to Norman everything I was told and he filled me in on things like how his family didn't accept the real him and so he was forced to fake a relationship which I could tell made him uncomfortable. I saw him tearing up so passed him a tissue before comforting him verbally not sure if he wanted to be hugged or stuff like that.

"i know you barely know me but if you ever need to vent to someone I'm here for you"

He nodded in thanks, quickly wiping his tears. Just in time as an orange hair girl burst into the room giving a large hug and kissing his cheek. I managed to figure out this was the girl he was 'dating'. She questioned who i was and what my connection to her 'baby' was, no wonder Norman hated dating her, luckily for me Norman explained  to her i was just a bodyguard.

Just a bodyguard.

I had no clue why that sentence hurt me so much but like with everything negative and to be honest positive. I pushed it down, hid it. I moved to stand outside the room and wait till I was called back in so as to not disturb their privacy.

It had been a month of me working for Norman, it was usually the same routine. Get up early, go to a photoshoot, go to the modelling agency, come home, wait for Norman to take photos, go do a public stunt and sometimes he'd meet Emma. I had a rule for my own safety but also Norman's since I didn't want to be recognised where I always wore a mask, no matter what. today was different though, during the meet-up with Emma something happened. You see, she found out Norman didn't like her in that way and got mad. Really mad.

⚠trigger warning homophobia and slight panic attack⚠

Emma snapped at Norman, i could tell he hated this by the way he used me as a shield


She continued to shout and scream at him and me as well. I didn't find her words effective after all they were just words however Norman was panicking and freaking out. I made sure Emma wasn't going to follow, seeing her storm off. I got Norman to sit down and focus on getting his breath back and getting back to the current moment, i sat next to him and allowed to cling onto me for as long as he wanted to. He eventually calmed down and turned to face me, I wiped a tear from his face. He smiled at me and I noticed a slight blush on his cheeks. He reached toward my face, going to ear and I knew what he was going to do, gently grabbing his wrist. I stopped him and decided to take the mask off myself. I smiled slightly when Norman blushed more and placed his hand on my cheek. The boy in front of me murmured something which i was glad i heard

"I love you Ray"

I responded to him "i heard that but i feel the same"

It didn't take a second thought for Norman to move himself to kiss my lips and I kissed back. This felt right. We broke the kiss off and Norman placed his head into my chest slightly embarrassed.

"Norman? You want to be my boyfriend then?" I asked nervous for the answer.

"I'd love to ray but the fans they'd-"

I cut him off "Who cares what they want, do what makes you happy"

He nodded at me and I took that as a yes. I was no longer Just a bodyguard.

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