Hq-part 2 to i hate m- "Jealousy"- slight daisuga

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(So first off, if you haven't read part 1 please do, i mean you can understand this one without it but yea. Two if you have ideas for chapter 50 let me know I want to make that one specialllll. Three suga angst because i kin this man and using slight personal experiences ✌😋✌)

After a while of talking, Tsukishima had perked up to his normal self. The blonde gave Suga a nod of thanks before walking out to meet the others who had just started to flood into the gym to collect their bags. Suga kept a smile plastered on his face despite his mind going 1000mph, he spoke to the others as they passed him, the talk he just had to encourage and help tsukishima out having affected him and made his mind overwork. Daichi noticed his platinum Haired friend seemed a little off so walked over to him

'Suga you okay?"

"Yes of course, I am daichi. Why would you say that?"

"You just seem off that's all"

"Don't worry, I'm just tired, that's all. I've had more work than usual to do"

"If you say so"

Suga nodded and the two walked off to grab their bags and change out of their uniform. He knew he shouldn't but suga subtlety glanced around as everyone got dressed, he noticed the difference in body between them and himself and immediately felt low in moods and self esteem. The group walked out and daichi gathered everyone to make another quick announcement.

''We're going to have some training this evening since tomorrow we're playing against Nekoma. So be on time, If you want to leave your kit here do so now"

A select few quickly went back into the changing rooms and returned with one less back, Daichi locked the changing rooms once he was sure everyone had left. The team all said their goodbyes and walked off in a different direction,

Suga and Asahi waited for dAichi as he locked up, the two heard a voice talk so turned their attention to see Yui Michimiya. She spoke up, suga immediately glanced down at the coNversation his crush and she Were having but shook it off when asahi tried to confront him

'Hey suga, Asahi! I was- oh nevermind haha. Daichi i was wondering if you could help me with that English task? The Literature one?"

"Oh of course, could you do tomorrow? Which would be thursday? meaning-"

"Yea thursday we don't have Evening practice depends on when your nekoma boyfriend is coming though"

"Suga, he flirts with everyone and has a boyfriend, please stop calling Kuroo my nekoma boyfriend. I don't like guys in that way"

I dont like guys in that way. Now that felt like a stab in the back, heart and chest to Suga. but multiple stabs, over and over again.

"Not really and we got it set yesterday and it's due Friday!"

"No worries after evening practice today , we finish around 7. Would that work for you?"

"Yea it would! If that's okay?"

"Of course it is just meet me at the gym around that time."

"Uh daichi don't forget-"

She nodded in thanks and the two walked off to class, Asahi swiftly followed since he and daichi had a class together meaning the three were leaving Suga behind, hE finished his sentence despite daichi having left.

"We were supposed to study"

—------------- EVENING PRACTICE —-------------

The group got dressed suga followed but changed into sweatpants, his jersey and then shoved a hoodie overtop, the body dysmorphia kicking in yet again, before going to the bench. He sat next to the forgotten trio making small conversation with them as they watched the others play.

Suga would occasionally get up to help or give advice but never play himself. Like always. He was glad the team had grown and they had a good setter like Kageyama but he couldn't help but feel jealous that he was being replaced in so many ways. First as a setter, then by yui michimiya. what 's next? He would question. He felt a tap on his shoulder turning his attention to see Kiyoko giving him a soft smile, he turned to face her fully, she didn't speak, just passed suga a small piece of paper in his hands He carefully opened it and read over it, gently biting his tongue to hold back tears.


You need to look after yourself as well as the team. I see the pressure you.re under and we are grateful for what you do but it's our turn to do the same. I heard the chat, well what you said after daichi left with the other two and so i want to offer you to come to mine to study or at least chill out. Don't tell the others as they will beg me to do the same and you know how overwhelmed I get with socialising sometimes.

Please don't forget you're enough and perfect how you are, you don't need to change for anyone.

Suga smiled slightly, he nodded at her as a 'yes please' folding the note up and placed it in his pocket. Practice soon ended and Suga walked up to daichi.

'Here i'll lck up, you go off"

"You sure?"


Daichi passed Suga the keys and walked off going out to meet Michimiya. Kiyoko and Yachi stood outside talking while waiting for Suga. Once the boy came over, the three slowly started walking back to Kiyoko's, mostly talking about the team's Chaos, tanaka's new confession attempt and so on, suga's mind was cleared and felt like he was trapped by his thoughts...... for now.

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