Tpn- what if- part two!

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The walk down to the gate was quiet beinf broken by Isabella humming her lullaby, ray crossed his arms and looked down making sure the hat didn't fall as he shook his head subtly to force his "emo fringe" as Emma called it more onto his face, a habit he has when stressed or upset it was a way of hiding from the situation and partially or fully escaping it not that he could now.

They arrived to where the head mother aka Grandmother was waiting for them and Isabella passed Ray off, he saw the demons that were stood with her trying to fight off just having his arm firmly grasped by  Isabella who held a soft smile on her, a warning sign. Ray gave off fighting, he could still kill himself. "What are they going to do when I'm dead" he thought to himself. He gave in a snd followed avoiding all forms of eye contact as he was led towards the headquarters.


Ever since the incident with the kids escaping, which Ray was glad they got out. He wanted to be with them or dead not alive sending more kids of to end up like Conny.... That name sent a shiver up his spine. Isabella had been promoted to the Grandmother position and who  better fit to replace her role at Gracefield, none other then her son. Ray.

He walked around the house making sure to pick up anything left in the ground that could be a potential danger to the kids running around, he had learnt to avoid all the maiming running pathways and the times the kids energy peaked. Despite hating the whole "adopting" part, he had to admit he did enjoy looking after everyone it reminded him of how he used to do the same when he was growing up.

While all the kids were playing in the forest and on the grass, ray multitasked cooking some food for lunch with help from a few of the older kids who had offered and making sure no one got hurt. Suddenly hearing an off noise he put down the oven mitt and walked off to see what it was, he noticed a group of people sneaking into the house so snuck over himself having memoriesrd every creaky floor board and avoided sneaking up on the group, he noticed two familiar faces but reminded himself they were long gone.

He continued to eavesdrop quickly picking up the crying child who had come to her getting her to shush quickly as he continued to watch the group, something catching his attention.

"Norman are you sure this the right route?"

"Yes Emma I'm 99% positive. All we need to do is get down this corridor then the door is in the section where mother's offices used to be"

Ray decided to head down to that room, sending the kid off to play making the excuse "papa needs to work" he sat down in the room keeping an eye out through the surveillance that had recently been installed after the escaping but was secret or if noticed multiple excuses were trained into the parents head to use. Hearing the door open Ray stayed still waiting a few minutes before turning his chair around noticing the face off his ginger haired friend go from panicked to a face of confusion and joy. Ray stood up quickly being tackled hugged by her.

"I can't believe it! Ray! It's really you! Oh my-"

"Emma let the man breath, so you work for them?"

"Against my will"

"Still I'm surprised you didn't fight more"

"Norman they are far more stricter in the parenting programme and I have plans I just-"

"You jsuy what ray!"

"If you let me finish, I just want to make them work and not screw up again"

"No ray it's an excuse, you're the one who did the reckless things in the plan and I'm not talking dangerous like Emma would, I'm talking reckless as in if something isn't totally secured you'd still go ahead. You know what it is- you got comfortable working for them!"

"NORMAN!" Both boys looked shocked at Emma, Norman more so and Ray just stood neutrally with no emotion showing  "You reunite with your best friend may I remind you of the other thing and this is what you say, how do we know that Ray isn't stuck here against his will"

"Whixh I am, might I remind you about the tracking devices in our hearts, even I wanted to escaped I'd be killed before I could get anywhere and I can't get the kids out that easily"

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