Tpn- another normal au- Norray 💕

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(normal AU, a few spoilers but they are sort of to do with what the description of the book says but if you don't want spoilers please don't read until you've finished the series)

Norman's POV

Emma and I have recently found out about the truth of this "orphanage". The day after we found out and we had to act normal, it was going well but only one person saw right through us...Ray. Of course as the day went on, we explained to him and he told us he knew and he set up for us to find. I don't get why he couldn't have just told us but I guess he may have thought we would think he was messing with us. Anyway we got him to agree to help us and that was great mainly because unlike myself who was academic smarts or Emma or has physical smarts, ray has very honest options and a lot of logical thinking. It's been weeks of this, us planning and going over it and ray correcting any errors or drawbacks.

I never told Emma because I knew she had a crush on me but ray and I had gotten really close lately. I hadn't told anyone since I was scared to but I think I have a crush on Ray. He's just amazing in his own way -cliche I know- but just the way he's almost always so calm or minds his own business. How peaceful he looks when thinking or asleep (no I don't watch him sleep, he just falls asleep at his spot under the tree a lot) anyway since Emma has been helping to train the younger kids in form of tag I've been sat with Ray a lot. It's been nice not having to run around and lose your breath, now I understand why he avoids it.

Everyone was playing tag and I offered to help ray with timing everyone. Normally ray doesn't accept helps but today he did- I thought something was off but after reading his eyes, as much as he tries to avoid showing emotion his eyes tell so much. I could tell he was just tired. The game had gone on for 10 minutes and I started to feel a weight on my shoulders, I carefully turned so i wouldn't disturb whatever it was and saw Ray had fallen asleep. I slightly blushed to myself and held him up for a second while I moved myself to lie Ray down against so he was more comfy.

After a while everyone finished their game and started to head back, I went to wake Ray not really wanting people to question us about it but seeing him fast asleep I gave in since I knew he rarely slept well. Emma asked multiple questions and teased me a little but it did calm my nerves as I knew I wouldn't be judged so I explained to her that I like Ray more then a friend not realising he had woken up until Emma squealed and pointed at Ray with a slight blush. I sighed in slight embarrassment, waiting till he got up before walking off and signalling for him to follow and he did so.

We got to an area in the forest and he went to sit on a tree looking down at me, I took a deep breath before explaining everything to him, he slightly laughed at me before speaking

"Norman, I feel the same way you know? And I don't mind what you want to happen"

A smile made It's way on to my face and a bit of confidence in my body as I made sure no one was around and walked to stand between his legs where he was sat and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Then we shall date" i respond to him, waiting for a response as Ray cupped my face with hand and kissed my forehead.

The promised neverland oneshots + moreDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora