Tpn- but who?- hints two ships

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(Basically norEmma/ norray and will explained also inspired by the song "maybe it's heather" by ZACH)

Norman played tag with the others, racing over to the tree Ray was always sat under to check how much time he had, catching the boy as he was fixing his hair. Norman slightly blushed before shaking his head and went back to the game.

Norman caught Emma just before the time was up and they headed back to the tree to all talk and chat. The older three were called in to help with dinner so went inside. Ray and Norman were on cooking duty while Emma was setting the table, Ray started cutting vegetables while Norman sorted plates for everyone, he watched Emma walked past and blushed again as she skipped along. Ray walked over to see what was taking him so along, smiling when he noticed.

"Come on lover boy let's get this sorted"

Norman chuckled and nodded going back to help, still lost in his thoughts but made sure to hide it. Norman rang the bell as Ray finished serving the food onto the last plate and the two walked out and took their seats for food.

After dinner

Ray helped tidy up so Norman could spend some time with Emma. Once done helping, The dark haired boy walked off to the library to find the next book to read so he could complete his goal of reading them all before his 12th birthday. Ray chose a book and sat on the window ledge that looked out to the fields. He watched Norman talking with Emma both smiling widely and Ray sighed thinking to himself "Norman would never want him- fuck it! I'm not even good enough for myself". He angrily gripped the book noticing the two walked inside so took a few deep breaths Incas they came to the library. Not fully calm, Ray huffed and opened the book starting to read, calming down as he lost himself in the book.

He heard the door open and marked his place before looking up and seeing Emma holding Norman's hand before he moved so his arm was around her shoulder. Ray smiled hiding the fact he was filled with jealously and secretly wanting to be in her place. Norman could read Ray really well so picked up on this but ignored it for the time being. He let go off Emma to go grab some chairs, chuckling when she raced to do it instead.

"Ray? You okay?"

"Yea I'm fine"

"It's just you seems upset when I was-"

"It's not like that Norman, I'm fine."

"Ray please"

"Can we drop this, I don't want to talk about it anymore"

Norman gave in and nodded, the two stopped just as Emma walked over and the other two sat down on the chairs. Ray placed the book on the floor, gazing out the window. His face filled with focus, Norman watched Ray with curiosity and sighed. Emma noticed the two seems off so spike up.

"What's up with you both?"

Ray snapped out of what he was doing barely turning his head. He moved his leg to drape his arm over it before speaking "it's nothing Emma, just didn't sleep well"

Emma nodded and Ray internally sighed glad she fell for his excuse. Emma turned to Norman wand waited for his response.

"I'm just confused"

"How come?"

"Well I just can't understand my feelings"

"What do you mean Norman?"

Ray got curious staying as he was but made sure to listen carefully to the two, hearing Norman start to vent so focused as to not miss anything.

"Ok- I'm going to use an example with different names if that's okay?"

"Sure whatever helps you explain"

"Ok so let's say- I'll keep myself as Norman because that part you know it's me but I think I like two people but they aren't similar"


"So first off Norman believes and has known he's like Emily for a while now but lately these past two months he's started to have feelings for his other friend let's call him-"

Ray turned to face the two. Trying to understand the situation himself.

"Let's call him Luke. But the thing is I don't know which one I like and also I feel I don't deserve either of them."

"So what you're saying, is you like a girl and a guy but you can't tell if one is just you're brain messing with you?"

"Exactly and it's just I don't know whether I should mention my feelings to either of them"

"Well I'd say give yourself time to figure it out maybe spend more time with one of them and if you think 'I'd rather be with name right now' you prefer them"

"Thanks Emma you give great advice"

"So who are they?"

Ray heard them start to talk again so swung around and went back to looking out the window, losing himself in his own thoughts.

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