tpn- hanahaki au- two ships

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(Norray and Noremma (the actually ship shown) norray cuz ray like Norman.
Norman is the son of Peter Ratri
Emma is adopted by Yugo and Lucas
Ray is the son of Isabella and Leslie)

Ray sat with Emma and Norman at their usual table for lunch. The dark haired boy focused on reading while Emma and Norman flirted. Ray knew he'd like Norman for a while now but knew the boy didn't return the feelings as he liked Emma. Ray winced slightly as he started to feel a burning sensation in his chest and felt like coughing. He quickly shut his book and got up, going to the bathroom. On route he started coughing like mad so covered his mouth. He felt like need to throw something up so went to a cubicle and allowed himself to be sick only throwing up petals. He sat in shock trying to figure out what was going on before grabbing his phone and calling his dad. Not getting an answer he tried his mum getting a response.

"Ray it's school hours why are you calling me?"

"Um- I'm not lying when I say this but I've got a burning feeling in my chest and I just throw up-"

"Well why won't I believe that. I'm on my way"

"No I threw up petals of a flower"


"Get your stuff and go the office. We are going to the doctors immediately"

Ray quickly ended the call and did as he was told. He grabbed his stuff which caught Emma's attention.

"Hey ray, where are you going? We still have 20 minutes till next lesson"

"Um- I just remembered that I had a doctor's appointment today"

"Oh is everything alright?"

"Yea just checking something"

"Okay" she smiled at him and waited till he walked off before turning to Norman. "That's weird, Ray seemed unusually-"

"Scared of something. Yea I can agree. I might text him later and ask if anything is bothering him"

"Text on the group so I can help and stuff"


Ray finally got to the office and saw his mum so went over and stood with her while she continued to sign him out and argued for a few minutes that he won't be coming back. Once that was finally sorted, the two walked out and Ray sat in the front staring out the window.

They got to the hospital and Isabella sorted an appointment for ray as soon as she could and they waited a few minutes. Ray heard his phone so ignores it at first before getting another one so checked it. Seeing Norman had finally asked Emma out and she had said yes meaning they were dating, kicking off the burning and coughing again for Ray. This caught his mum's attention and she tried to help seeing Ray was slightly struggling so quickly text her husband to tell him that they were at the hospital.

After the appointment they got back and Leslie was waiting for the two, silently sighing as he heard shouting.

"Ray I cannot believe you right now! I'm trying to help you and you'd rather suffer. She's dating already you know that and yet you still would rather wait it out"

"So?! I don't want the surgery and it's a he mum don't fucking assume shit!"

"Ray! Language and I don't care I think you should. I don't want you dying to this disease"

"If I die from hanahaki then I die!"

She was about to respond before ray stormed off, she sighed before explaining the situation to her husband. Ray sat in his room, curled into a ball upon himself debating whether to text the others having that choice made for her when Emma text

Emma: RAYYYYYYYYY, are you okay? Doctors thing? Don't tell us if you don't want to but we are worried

Norman: Emma he's probably still there but ray if you want to tell us please do.

Ray: just got home and I have something but it's not that bad so don't worry

Emma: what? Ray? Please don't feel you will burden us if we have to help you. We want to

Ray: hanahaki is what I have.

Emma: oh. Ray whatever you choose to do I'll support you.

Ray watched as Norman went offline and so made an excuse to leave and turned his phone off. Lying on his bed, he saw the door open and saw Leslie enter

(Turned into a book. I've named it "the flower in my throat"))

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