hq- i only trust you- kurokem

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(Sorry I've been doing a Load of haikyuu! Oneshots, going through a haikyuu phase and also having lots of ideas for them. If you have any requests for other oneshots just comment them :D. Also Kenma is trans in this oneshot and only Kuroo and Yaku knows
⚠️misgendering happens and dysphoric feelings. Proceed with caution⚠️))

Before practice, Kenma walked into the changing and greeted everyone, who were already getting ready for practice. He went into one of the toilets to change. He always did this, every single time. No one ever questioned it, they always assumed he did as he didn't like changing in front of the others.... Well no- one except a certain third year rooster haired student...Kuroo. Everyone flowed out at different times. Kenma walked out of the stall over to kuroo, the black haired friend gave Kenma's head a pat. kenma already gulping as he felt a sense of worry come over him.

"Kenma don't worry I'll make sure they don't find out"

Kenma nodded and so Kuroo lead the second year out and the two got warmed up to start practice. After a small warm up, kuroo called everyone over to start a few training exercises. The first being some spiking exercises, kenma got into position for setting making sure to try and adjust to everyone's preference. Kuroo stood at the back of the line to supervise everyone and giving pointers after their go.

The time went on, practice was halfway through. This time the exercise was the middle blockers practicing with Yamamoto as the spiker they had to block. The slightly buzzed second year has successfully gotten most spikes past all the blockers except Kuroo which was expected. Kuroo kept giving pointers to the other time, immediately jumping for everyone to have a break and time out when he watched Kenma wince and take a deep breath in. He walked over to Kenma and watched him rush for the changing rooms. Kuroo sighed before following, knowing to give Kenma his space so knocked, ignoring the odd looks he got.

"Kuroo why are you knocking? It's just Kenma" Yaku walked over to help the situation

"Yes I know it's just.. you know how he is with space I don't want to push any boundaries"

"If you say so"

He heard a small voice so walked in, seeing Kenma just pulling his shirt back on and shoving something into his bag, grabbing the closest bag Kuroo blocked the changing rooms door and walked over to Kenma.

"Ken what did we say?"

".....binder comes from practice...." Kenma avoided eye contact just staring at his bag.

"Mhm, come here I'm not mad. I'm just worried you're going to hurt yourself"

"I know it's just......" Kenma walked over and hugged kuroo, burying his face deep into Kuroo's chest.


Kenma spoke slightly, it being muffled by the way the two were. Kuroo still managed to hear it used to having to listen out carefully when with kenma. "It's just the dysphoria was getting me to and everything is just making me feel.... Remind me of"

"Oh Ken... I'm sorry" kuroo wrapped his arms around Kenma, resting his head slightly on the second year's head and rubbed Kenma's back.

After a minute, Kuroo pulled back from the hug. Kenma gave an apologetic look.

"No kenma don't be sorry, I was going to give you my jacket. If you want it? I thought the bagginess might help with-"

Kuroo  cut himself off when he watched Kenma's face light up and he nodded slightly. Kuroo removed the jacket and passed it to Kenma, he turned around and walked to the door picking up the bag. Once the bag was restored to its original position, kuroo walked out to start practice again.

"Kuroo wheee your jacket you'll get cold" Yaku immediately spoke, lecturing the boy

Kuroo chuckled "sorry mum" he teased having to avoid being kicked by the libero. "Jeez! Sorry! I lent it to kenma-"

"Ah thing?"



Kenma walked out slightly drowned in the hoodie but loving it. Lev walked over to the three smiling noticing the hoodie.

"Haha you're drowning in that kenma you look like Kuroo's girlfriend!"

Yaku was the first to speak after that. "Lev! You can't just say that! And I told you kenma hates feminine terms!"

The look on the first years face dropped. He went to go apologise seeing the two left.

kuroo immediately went to check on kenma was desperately trying to make the jacket more baggy so the third year wrapped an arm around kenma, muttering a 'play along' as he placed a hand on Kenma's forehead.

"Kenma are you sure you're alright? Your burning up?"

"I'm fine- let's just continue"

"Kenma come on" Kuroo followed kenma  before dragging him outside "at least have some fresh air"

Kenma once again buried himself into kuroo, the third year wrapped his arms around kenma giving him some time to settle. Kenma being the first to pull apart, he went to walk back inside but got stopped. "Come on might as well bunk the rest, let's get you to the game store"

"Ugh but I don't want to go home-"

"...." Kuroo gave a worried look to Kenma, jokingly checking his temperature again. "Are you sure you're okay? Kenma not hearing the words game store?"

"Wait! You actually said it? I thought I misheard you"

"Nope come on" Kuroo smiled and got ready to walk.

Kenma sighed at the idea of walking "carry me"

"Fineee" Kuroo knew he couldn't argue with kenma so allowed him to climb into Kuroo's back.  Once kenma was comfy the two started to walk, kuroo passed his phone to Kenma.

"What's this for?"

"Text Yaku and let him know I've taken you home as you're sick"

"But I'm- oh so he doesn't murder you"

"Yea because he f—-ing babies you and I get assaulted"

"You deserve it"

"Wow kenma! I thought you loved me?"

"Do I?"

Kuroo gave off a few offended noises as a joke, silencing himself when kenma kissed his head "yea I do"

"Love you more"

Kenma smiled at kuroo "you know I won't continue that"

"I know but it's worth a try"

The two continued to walk, well walk and be carried, to the game store in comfortable silence with the odd conversation every now and then.

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