Hq- Mr brighaide- Kurosuga (implied)

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(Yes it's inspired by the song. Updates will be slower as my study time has increased sometimes totalling ten hours a day. Currently in a haikyuu phase so lots of haikyuu one shots. Again no hate to the characters they are like this for the story))

Suga smiled as he walked around the gym, the team captains were allowed to hold a small party. Small meaning the captains and a plus one.. oh and those that found and snuck their way in such as Tanaka and Nishinoya. Suga sighed grabbing another drink, non alcoholic, as he watched Daichi talking to Michimiya. He didn't mind except for the fact he was meant to be daichis plus one but instead got replaced lucky for him Iwaizumi refused to go for Oikawa so the Seijoh setter offered suga the spot which he accepted.

The party started to come to an end and everyone flooded out to head home, Suga said goodbye to everyone watching as they left before starting to tidy not that it was his job to do but he wanted to do something while he waited for Daichi since Sugawara was going to stay the night after he was kicked out just while he sorted out moving in somewhere else.

"Hey- you really don't need to do that"

"Eh it's fine, it means less to do for the people who clean this after us"

"Ah Fair, well Michimiya is going to stay the night if that's okay?"

"Daichi it's your home don't ask me if it's okay someone else stays over"

"Oh okay thanks for understanding, well we are ready to head off if you are"

Suga nodded and followed them home, once they arrived daixhi and Michimiya walked off together leaving Sugawara alone.

The two went to the bedroom and Suga placed his bag down before following, he helped Daichi set up the air mattress being left to finish the task alone and looked up to see they guy he liked kissing her. Suga finished grabbing his stuff and lay himself down on the mattress daichis assumed suga was going to sleep early which wasn't like him but the captain played it off as his vice captain was tired. Suga lay facing the direction they were in, a stupid decision, he watched as they clambered into the bed together, jealousy making the setter feel physically sick or maybe it was the drinks. Suga watched as Daichi has his hands on her waist slowly removing her dress as she had her hand on his chest, a look of love shared between the two.

The sight killing the setter he turned over to have his back to then being carefully not to get spotted, not in the mood to hear Daichi be annoyed because he thought suga was alseep when he wasn't. Suga opened his phone to the setters chat to seek help shutting it down quickly and staring at his empty hands.

"How did it end up like this" he thought to himself.

Waiting a few more minutes Suga got up grabbing his phone and snuck out of the room. He unlocked the messages and started texting on the setters chat

 He unlocked the messages and started texting on the setters chat

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Suga smiled waiting for the text from Kuroo once he got the address he added the contact and grabbed his stuff leaving a note for Daichi and made his way over to Kuroo's

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Suga smiled waiting for the text from Kuroo once he got the address he added the contact and grabbed his stuff leaving a note for Daichi and made his way over to Kuroo's

Once he got there the two talked for a bit and watched a film without meaning to Suga fell asleep, falling against Kuroo who grabbed a blanket and draped it over the two, a small blush across his face yet a saddened look as he saw a tear rolling from suga's eye. He pretended to like girls so he wasn't seen as weird or an outcast but the day he saw Sugawara during their first match he couldn't keep his eyes off the setter. He wiped the tear away carefully whispering to the setter

"Night Sugawara, if only you knew how I felt and weren't hung up on him who is breaking your heart"

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