Hq- drunk parties pt2

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(I've Bever been drunk so this may not be how people get just go with it 😭 like I don't trust drunk me because I got energetic of a monster for 5 minutes then crashed)

The teams all met up the party and it had started.

The third years having a few drinks to start off with and slowly taking more and more as the night progressed.

Kenma would stick close to kuroo despite him  ignoring his second year friend. Due to this kenma would just play mobile games, he thought about talking to Hinata but choose against it since he was busy talking to kageyma. Kenma sighed loudly, looking up and watched as kuroo and bokuto giggled before running off. The second year shut his phone off and walked towards the bathroom, shutting the door before locking it and sat down on the floor. Once again opening his phone to play  games.

He stayed there for a bit, connecting his left airpod to his phone so he could keep an ear out incase someone wanted to come in and playing  some songs to distract his mind, he rolled his eyes muttering "ironic" when 'Micheal in the bathroom came on' . He sighed as he heard some of the drunk people outside, wanting to be able to record them especially kuroo.

Soon half an hour had passed and kenma got up leaving the room, he gave a nod of sorry as he saw Oikawa stood outside the door waiting and walked over to the drink table grabbing one of the alcoholic beverages. Not noticing Daichi till he spoke

"Kenma I don't think that's the best idea, you're underage"

"Daichi, I'm sorry to come off as rude but I really don't care"

"Alright, just be sensible since I know kuroo is wasted..... look I'm staying sober for certain reasons so if you need anything like a ride home just let me know"

"Yea well I just want to forget this night so if it's blacking out I have to do then I will"

"Kuroo huh? He's forgotten your promise"

"Uh yea how did you know"

"Kuroo mentioned that he'd have to stick by you so we were to talk and you were there unless you wanted to talk just kinda.... Ignore you"

"I see......." Kenma sighed thinking to himself "is that what kuroo tells everyone if I follow him around? Just ignore me..... I mean I don't mind the not talking but...."

kenma put the drink back down, quickly picking it up when Kuroo came over and tried to take it. Both boys had their hand on the cup, kenma tugging it to get off kuroo and kuroo wanting the drink. Kuroo realised kenma wasn't letting go, so let go himself allowing the drink to pour all over the second year. Kenma stared in disbelief, his eyes welling up for what felt like the first time in ages. He threw the cup at kuroo and walked off towards the front door to leave, hearing foortsteos behind.


Kenma ignored kuroo only listening when an hand wrapped around his wrist forcing kenma to stop. He heard bokuto cheering him on and sighed knowing somethinf was going to happen


"What kuroo?"

"I love youuuuuuuuuuu"

"No you don't.. you're drunk"

Kenma pulled his wrist free and went to sit outside.

————- TIME SKIP———

The party started to finish and kenma got a ride home with a very drunk Kuroo by daichi.

Once home Kenma thanked daixhu and then made his way inside to his room with kuroo. He lay the third year down on the floor, sighing in relief when kenma saw he was asleep so grabbed his headphones for his pc and plugged them before going before a quick shower and throwing his clothes in the machine to try and get rid of the stench.

"For the love of god  don't be sick"

Kenma immediately loaded up a game and started to play it, the time passing quickly so he lost track.

————- TIME SKIP———

Kuroo woke up, rubbing his eyes and saw he was in kenma's room so sat up, holding his head in pain before looking around to find kenma. He saw his friend gaming so walked over to him, kenma finished his game and felt a tap on his shoulder.

"What- oh hey kuroo"

"Um so what happened and why am in your room"

"Oh you got totally wasted and I didn't want to leave you home alone so"

"Right, I didn't do anything stupid did I?"

"I don't know"

"What do you mean"

"Well you ran away from me for starters, threw a drink on me because you wouldn't let go and then told me you love me"

"Oh I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to run off or throw stuff on you..... or say the last thing... I don't see you-"

"That way. Yea I get it"

"Sorry... uh could I use your shower?"

"Yea don't have to ask.. you're spare clothes are still in my wardrobe"


Kuroo grabbed the clothes and a towel before walking to the shower and got ready to get in. Once kenma was sure his friend was out of sight dropped his head on the desk, resting in his arms and let of a loud annoyed noise. Kuroo heard this and called across

"Kenma you good?"

Kenma jumped in surprise quickly opening the game again before shouting back "yea just died to a stupid cheater!"


Kenma sighed silently in relief beforE muttering "if only you knew how I felt"  

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