Tpn- normal au- slight Norray 💔

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(this one will contain spoilers so if you haven't read the manga or watched the anime and don't want spoilers this may be one to skip. Slight Norray and 3rd person :D)

Emma's pov

I've always been close to Ray and Norman. I have grown up with them all my life ever since we were 1 and we are now 11. Ever since we found out about the orphanage actually being a child farm and our brains being harvested for demons, Norman, Ray and I have been planning an escape. I wanted to take everyone but Ray though it wouldn't be a good idea, luckily Norman had convinced him for us, how I have no clue as Ray is super stubborn.

It was the day before when we would escape and Isabella, the mother of the house, came over to Norman and I as we were planning the last little parts.

"I know you two are still trying to escape, there is no point anymore. Just give up" mother told us but i would not give up, Norman and I shared a look signaling for him to go hide the rope and me to distract mother. I raced at her and hugged her but before I knew it she had tackled me down and snapped the bone in my leg. As expected I gave off an agonised scream which caught Norman's attention as he turned to see what happened and I guess Ray's because he came running over. Of course mother acted like she didn't do anything and lifted me to the infirmary before stopping in her tracks and facing the two boys.

"Oh and Norman has a shipment day. It will be tomorrow so be ready"

As mum carried me away I watched the two follow in silence, something was off. Normally Ray wouldn't show how upset he was but today it was written all in his eyes and Norman wasn't keeping his usual comforting smile.

The next day

As we were told Norman was being shipped out today. It was the evening the time kids normally leave, I tried to stop Norman but of course he insisted he must go. Luckily I was allowed to go with him to say goodbye to Ray. I hadn't told Norman but I knew Ray didn't sleep last night. I only knew this because I saw him go into the library and not exit it until this morning and you could tell he was tired. He stayed in the bedroom most of today, we entered the room seeing he had finally fallen asleep. I smiled at Norman and whispered to him

"I'll let you talk to him alone, I'll let her know that for you"

Norman nodded to me as a thanks and I snuck out the room.

Norman's pov

I sat on the chair next to the bed Ray was asleep on, not wanting to wake him so I just sat with him for a minute as I processed this was our last time together.... Maybe ever. I had never been able to tell him my true feelings mainly due to fear of rejection and him hating me, which was weird to think about since ray is one of those people who doesn't hate someone unless given a valid reason like backstabbing him not for being queer. I looked over at him asleep and noticed how peaceful and cute he looked. I gave into the temptation and slowly but carefully moved the hair that covered half his face, just as I moved it he started to wake up and grabbed my wrist. He let go before sitting himself up


"Hm?" i responded not being able to form a word

"What are you doing?" he questioned me, clearly still half asleep

"Well- i- i just thought since it was our last time seeing each other, you- well i hoped you wouldn't mind me seeing your whole face" i explained through a stutter. I smiled when Ray pulled his 'I guess you're right face' and brushed the hair out of the way for a few seconds before moving it back. I couldn't help but admire how he went from cute to hot just by moving his hair.  I heard Isabella call me just as Ray lay down again and said goodbye for real. At least I had something happy to look at before I left. 

Emma's pov (again-)

It had been a few weeks since Norman left, Don, Gilda and I continued trying to make an escape plan. Ray on the other hand had changed a lot and i have to admit it was for the worst, he has been avoiding everyone, barely eating, going days without sleeping then collapsing when the fatigue hit. The older kids and mother of the house weren't the only ones to notice, the little ones had started to as well. I tried to encourage Ray to take better care of himself for his own sake and so people wouldn't be as worried for him so he wasn't the center of attention (he hated that) but he ignored me and then snapped at me about 'i'm sorry for being the problem'. I was walking down the hall when i overheard him speaking to mother about the next shipment date and i had to stop and listen

"When's the next shipment?" ray asked her

Without looking up i heard mama respond "Next week and it's Emma"

This seemed to annoy Ray, I could tell by his response "don't bother sending her, she may still be slightly injured. I'll go in her place"

"That wasn't the deal you made Ray and i'm sticking to it"

"Send me next week or I'll tell all the kids the secret," he said, not breaking eye contact. I heard Mother agree and I raced off to find Gilda and Don.

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