ix. the new girl (pt. 2)

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"WELL, WE'RE VERY GLAD TO have you."

Jiana insincerely smiled her thanks. She'd only just met the principal of the Academy, and she already didn't like him. That usually wasn't a conclusion she was quick to draw.

Yui gave Principal Yoo a tight smile. "Thank you for squeezing her in so late."

"Oh, it's no problem. None at all," he said, deepening his tone. He was the type of man who thought he was so suave, the kind you just knew had peaked in high school and had been riding that same high ever since. Now he turned to Jiana, placing his palms upon the heavy mahogany desk that matched the rest of the room's dim decor. "You understand that there will be much catching up to do, don't you? You'll need to take the midterm exams promptly."

Jiana only nodded, fingers clutching her timetable as another wave of anxiety rose up in her. Outwardly, however, her expression remained stationary, smile frozen on her face.

"I'm sure she can handle it," Yui replied then.

"I'm sure she can," Principal Yoo parroted insincerely. "And I'm glad you're already familiar with our best student," he flattered, gesturing at Jay, who stood beside Jiana. "Mr. Park is well-versed in the happenings here, academic and otherwise, so don't hesitate to go to him with any concerns or for extra help."

Jiana glanced up. Best student? she signed, disbelieving.

"Why so surprised? I am not just a pretty face," he whispered back, then turned back to the principal. "Yes, sir, I can assist with anything."

"Good. It's settled, then." Principal Yoo clapped his hands together.

Yui got up from the chair opposite his desk, purse strap dangling off her forearm. "That's great. Thanks so much; I'm sure she'll be in good hands."

Everyone got up, bowed to each other, Yui and the principal exchanging a handshake, Jiana noticing the way his hand stayed on hers for an extra unnecessary beat. His eyes followed her as she turned, but the moment she had her back to him, Yui rolled her eyes and discreetly wiped her hand on her trousers. Jay and Jiana stifled laughs.

"I'm going," Yui whispered to Jiana. "Have a good day, and tell me all about it when you get back home."

Jiana nodded, her heart squeezing, causing her to realize just how attached she'd grown to Yui in so short a time. She wasn't supposed to. And yet Jiana was almost asking her to stay, even though she was nearly eighteen and should be able to go to school by herself.

Yui turned to Jay. "Thanks for everything," she spoke lowly so only he could hear, patting his shoulder. "I appreciate you watching out for her."

"It's nothing," he chirped, and she waved at them before finally taking her leave.

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