twelve. conversations on a crappy hotel balcony

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OF COURSE, NINA WOULDNT AGREE TO GO THAT EASILY. Not when Nick Fury actively spent most of his career trying to get her thrown in the Raft with her mother, not when he contacted her, blaming her for their escape a week after it had happened, and especially not when he was single-handledly the biggest bitch ever towards her. Disapproving Tony for putting her under his wing, chastizing Tony again when he had made her an official Avenger - he was just a colossal asshole, and Nina wouldn't come with him just like that.

In fact, Nina was contemplating whether she should mind-controlling him into leaving the two of them alone. She could easily do it; she was miles stronger and more powerful than Nick Fury was until she was reminded of what she was doing this for - who she was doing this for, rather. The people - innocent civilians who were a hundred percent fucked if it weren't for her.

That's how Nina finds herself, ten minutes later, lips in a pout as she stands in between Peter and Fury on a boat, heading to an undisclosed location. The nanotech is wrapping her body like it's a second skin; and she couldn't help but feel a little relieved at the fact that she's breathing comfortably underneath the metal, in her pajamas, while Peter is stuck inside that tight suit of his.

It's silent. Way too silent - no sound except for the soft splashing of water beneath them.

That is until Fury decides to speak up, "Stark left something for the two of you."

He takes something from his pocket, first handing it to Peter. Nina peeks over his shoulder (Peter is merely two inches taller than her, so she doesn't need to struggle too much) and watches carefully as he opens the brown case, a pair of glasses with purple lenses on it.

Interrupting her train of thoughts on what exactly those glasses could mean, (she's seen Tony walking around wearing the exact same thing several times) Nick Fury taps her on the shoulder, handing her a box - a very small box - and an envelope. "This is yours."

Nina stares at the thing blankly before grabbing it out of his hands - hands shaking as she hurriedly opens the envelope, letting Fury hold onto the box for a moment.

"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown." Fury announces, "Stark said Parker wouldn't get that because it's not a Star Wars reference."

There's a piece of paper inside - and her suit instantly readjusts the lighting from her vision, and now the words are clearer.

Hey, kid. It's Tony.

Nina holds a hand to cover her mouth, trying to not let anyone hear the squeak that leaves her lips. She had accepted his death - she really did, and it was a hard process; but seeing his handwriting, seeing this letter addressed to her is slowly crumbling her down into pieces. And it's only been four words.

Nevertheless, she continues. She forces herself to continue.

I'm leaving this for you since I know things are about to go stupid south - it always does - and I'm not sure I'm making it out alive. Anyway, I know you hate science stuff, so I'm going to explain this in the most simple way possible, but I'm leaving you a link, something I made only for you.

LIAR, LIAR. Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now