fifteen. five senses (minus one)

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THE WARM EVENING AIR MAKES NINA SIGH OUT IN RELIEF. Inside, it just felt suffocating, and this may be the first time she's been able to breathe all night since Fury had forced the two of them to report into the headquarters. With a slight huff, the girl sits on the roof, dragging her tired body to just relax for a bit.

Being a superhero was a battle.  A battle she had every day. Sure, being a superhero and an Avenger wasn't really her dream, but as time passed by, Nina could wholeheartedly say that she found immense joy in saving people that needed her help.

But overworking herself - physically and especially mentally - came with a price. The price was a heavy heart, a string of guilt always keeping her company, and the shitload of bruises she had scattered across her body.

Almost getting her head blown off was the newest item on her never-ending list.

"Hey, Peaches," the girl turns her head at the source of the voice, already feeling a little bit better at the sight of Peter Parker walking next to her, taking a seat to keep her company... as if he already knew what to do. "I'm not going to ask you if you're okay because you're obviously not, but my Aunt tells me that I'm a very good comforter."

Nina expected words, because the boy was always good with his words, but this time, Peter cups her face in his hands so that she can no longer avoid eye contact.

The girl closes her eyes when his forehead touches hers, breath trapped somewhere in her chest.

It's a little pathetic, how much comfort she's receiving from his touch alone, and how she wants this whole thing to stretch on for hours.

A light touch to her forehead and her cheek. He traces all the spots where her moles are like he's committing each one to memory, then sets to work rubbing the rest of the tension from Nina's neck and shoulders, easing the girl even further.

There's something about Peter that makes her feel normal for a bit. No Illiana, no Samara, no Elementals, no legacy to uphold, and most importantly, no-

He kisses her forehead, drawing those thoughts up short. It's for the better - if Nina thinks any longer about the state of things she is more likely to lose her shit.

Suddenly, the short, sweet moment is interrupted by the sight of Mysterio floating right in front of the two of them, the globe disappearing as he offers the two of them a smile. "I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?"

"You did," Nina deadpans, though, she couldn't help but smile softly due to Peter's actions. "But the moment is ruined so shoot whatever inspirational speech you have."

With that, the girl presses the pendant on her wrist, flying mid-air once the suit is ready. "Unfortunately for me, I'm a shit person, so I give shit advice, and I don't need any comfort whatsoever because I'm fine now, but I'm pretty sure Peter needs it because Nick Fury is a dick. Adios."

LIAR, LIAR. Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now