Meet the family- part 2

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We walked to a little park where we all found a bench to lay or sitdown on. I sat on the bench where Klaus was lying down in pain.
"Just gonna sit, I'm just gonna sit for a minute". Luther said groaning.

"That didn't go well" diego reminded hold his back. Five looked at him
"No, not our best work". I heard a crack as I looked at Klaus he was in a weirdass position.
"Oh I'm cracking".

Allison looked at Luther,
"Are you alright"
"I dont know yet..... I've just never had my ass handed to me like that before". He said looking at allison.
"It's like... Here you go" moving his hand like a giving position.
"It's your ass" allison stared at Luther like he was crazy or high.

"Ok I think Luther is concussed" allison said holding his arm.
"I would be do you see how much blood he has on his face" I replied lying down next to Klaus. Klaus sat up and put his fingers out.
"Luther how many fingers". Luther ignored him.
"Oh my god. Vanya". As he said that Vanya walked down the stairs.
"Oh, thank god your alive" walking to us.
"You ok"

"Apparently, so is Ben" Klaus joined in.
"Yeah and he a complete dickhead Bo offence Astrid" looking at me I shook my head.
"None taken he is a bit of one"
"They're all dickheads,".
"dickheads who can fight"Luther cut off diego.

"Ok next person to say 'dickhead' is getting punch to the throat" five cut in looking at each of us.
As we all said at the same time "dickhead". Five looked at us fed up.
"Hey did dad tell you why he was calling them his kids"Diego asked.
"Your worried about that it looks like Astrid has a version of herself here but died like Ben" Klaus said holding his head.

"Some weird shit is going on and I don't like it" I replied.
"I think your all missing the big picture here" five said. "If dad didn't adopt us a kids he changed the timeline only he adopted Astrid in this time line and ours"
"So" I questioned.
"Meaning whatever timeline we are in Astrid you would of be adopted by the old man meaning you must mean something big I just don't know what" five said looking down.

"Shouldn't you know though" allison asked sassy. Five looked at her.
"Sorry allison but it might take me more than 20 minutes and a traumatic brain injury" five snapped back pointing to his cut on his forehead.

"Guys look it's fine, we still have the commission briefcase" Vanya said calming Allison and five.
"So worst case, we can just go back in time and fix it" I nodded my head agreeing with Vanya.
Klaus clicked his finger at her.
"Okay" five said again.

"There are two problems with that statement first off time travel is complicated, people"
"Yeah we get it time is hard blah blah" I cut him off waving my hands.
"And secondly.... I no longer have the briefcase"

"Five, where the hell is the briefcase" allison replied standing up.

"Well it's in the academy" he answered. Klaus started waving his hand again.
"Oh that's easy Astrid can go in yeah... And get the case boom" I looked at him is he high again.
"Um first of no and second of I'm not going back in there when they all know me and that VERSION OF ME IS DEAD" I said losing my calm and the last line.

"Well we can't stay here let's move" five said leading us as well all followed him.
"What are we doing" Allison asked walking next to five.
"Why is everyone staring at us"
"Because we look like the damn village people just lost a fight" diego replied to Klaus.

Klaus tried to grab his hat back from diego making them to bicker.
"You know what? I need to go find Claire" starting to walk the other direction. " I will catch up with you guys later" me and Vanya looked at each.
"Hey allison" I called out
"No, first let get somewhere safe clean up those cuts" Vanya finished the sentence.
"Then we can go find here okay" I said looking at her.
"Man I hate those guys" Luther mumbled lookin at a picture of the sparrow academy on tall buildings.
"Look at 'em with their stupid smug" Luther said looking at the big poster on numerous buildings.

Klaus walking beside him "you can do it, you can do it" nodding his head as Luther looked at him with confidence
"...s....  s... smug... smugness" klaus looked up sighing.
"Keep working on it,big guy. You'll land one. Eventually" panting him on the back.

"But honestly,what are we doing" Allison chimed in. "We can't stand here bleeding out in this park"
I looked at her then looked on the floor where there was spots of blood.
"Well I think dark red looks great as a path" I said smirking.
"Well we better gear up fast before they come for round two" Diego said.

"What makes you think they'll come after us" Vanya said as I agreed with her.
"Because I would" I rolled my eyes.
This bitch.

"Yeah we did break into their house.."
"Our house"
"Bust up all their nice antiques and shit" Allison looked at him annoyed.
"Yeah. I don't think the crime-fighting super nerds are going let  that go". Luther said pointing back at their poster.

"Let's just think of some place off the radar"five replied on a oddly calm voice." Where we can lie low and not draw attention."
"What kind off weirdass place are we not gonna draw attention" Diego asked as klaus danced around. We all turned to klaus as he was spinning around. He looked at us confused then had a klaus big brain idea.

<time skip>

I looked up and saw a hotel called
We crossed the road as I looked around at the place it pretty posh.
We walked in and got stuck in the push door.
"Oh.ok seriously"
"We don't all need to be squeezed"
"There were two entrances by the way"
"Ok smartass"

Klaus walked forward breathing in the air of the hotel. "Oh, hotel obsidian, I missed you you slutty old dame" waving his hand "absorb her"
Still walking while moving his hands.
"Absorb her into your bosom".
"You know cause back in the heyday she played host to world leaders Roosevelt, Gandhi, Stalin, Gorbachev, Castro, king Olaf of Norway." I zoned out as he keep saying names after names for people.

"But not one but two Kardashian's allegedly" he finished as Allison was walking away.
"Where you going" he asked turn to her.
"I gotta make a call" Allison said walking away. When Allison walks away klaus carried on until Luther cut him off.

"You mean a place to hide" he said
"Exactly, it's perfect" he said walking backwards.
"And the best part of it is she gonna look after questions asked" making an x with his hands.
Ugh I need a drink.

We walked to the reception we klaus ran the bell.
"Chet! Mon frère it's so great to see you if like my usual suite pot favor"
He receptionist stop the bell looking at klaus.
"I've never seen you before" he said as Luther and Diego petted the dog.
Klaus turned to me and said.
"See? Told you. Discreet" I looked at him and nodded my head slowly.

"Please stop scaring my dog" the receptionist said looking and Luther and Diego. They removed there hand.
"We need some room please" Vanya asked from behind.
"Super and how will you be paying" he asked putting a sign out saying.

we all muttered to ourselves as each of us stared emptying our pockets I didn't have much in mine. Just a couple of coin and a necklace that Ben gave me for our first date. I looked at it and smiled.

The receptionist saw it and his eyes lit up in excitement.
"That necklace could get you 4 room" he said going to pick the necklace up.
I smacked his hand away looking at him in anger.
"The necklace is not for sale now you touch it again I will chop you fingers off and feed it to you dog" I snapped back. Klaus put a hand of my shoulder giving me it's ok smile and I calmed down but still annoyed.

Luther took of his necklace and gave it to the man.
"What does this give us" handing it too the old man. He looked at it then got two keys.
"Two rooms mazel tov".
Everyone thanked him as I liked at him with a blank face.
We grabbed the keys and started walking to our rooms it was girls together then boys together.

"Uh meet back in the car in two hours so we can make a plan" five said to all of us. Diego ran up the stairs.
" I have a plan we attack the sparrows and we take back our house"
"Diego shut up" I said walking past him. Diego kept rambling on as klaus panted him on the chest.
"Hey man don't sweat it man those shit bored are staying out for awhile" he said getting into the elevator.

Klaus said some inspiring words as Diego also got into the elevator as I hit the button closing the doors.

Sorry it took long to get out hope you in enjoyed it xx

Remember to eat or drink and get some sleep as well love you all <3

enchanted souls | Ben Hargreeves|.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora