Obvlivion - part 1

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I walked through the mysterious passage again, as Klaus was in- front of me feeling nervous so I took his hand and he looked back at me smiling.

I heard a massive bang as I watched Lila kick the door open.
"Come on Astrid" Klaus said about to drag me but Father stopped it.
"I'm sorry my child but this is the only way." Father said as i looked at him weirdly.
"What do you mean Father?" I asked As Father pushed me and klaus over as the Kugelblitz was right behind this.

"It will all make sense I promise" Father said walking away.
"Shit." I said trying to get up.
"Come on Astrid." Klaus said getting worried.
"Go Klaus run!!!" I said.
"But.... You" He said getting upset.
"I'll be fine" I said smiling. Klaus quickly turned around and ran to the door.

"Why do i always have to be weak at the wrong times" i said to myself angrily.
I watched as the Kugelblitz came closer and closer towards me.
"Why Father?" I whispered as tearing fell down my eyes.

A bright light began to form in-front of me as a pretty lady walked out.
"Oh Astrid look how big you are." The lady said.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm your mother..." She said.
"Huh?" I said confused.

"I'm your real mother I've been watching you from up there" She said.
"Your dead?" I asked.
"No silly I'm on the moon..... This is why you have to press the button" Mother said.
"What button?" I asked.
"You will know now I have to go my child I will see you soon." She said disappearing into the light.

I tried to get up but still couldn't the cut on my foot must of opened up again.

Fucking plaster.

I couldn't see any shadows in here as well so I had to do something else but what.
I closed my eyes as I felt being lifted up as I opened by eyes as I saw a lion holding me.

Shit it worked bingo.

I lion dropped me off a few meters away from the door as he licked the cut on my foot as it started to heal. I quickly got up thanking the lion as it jumped inside of me as I ran out of the door.

"Astrid your okay?" Klaus said running up to me giving me a massive hug.
"I told you I'll be fine." I said giving him a smile.
"What happened?" Ben asked curiously.
"I tripped and fell" I lied as Klaus gave me a look and I gave him a look back.

"Come on children let's get a move on" Father said walking out the door as we all followed him to the bar/ living room.
I walked with Ben as we walked behind Father.
"It's magnificent." Father said looking around.

"You guys should of stayed here. This place is way nicer." Ben said as I looked at him weirdly.
"Me Lila and Astrid barely got out alive last time. Remember?" Diego said.
"Well I'm here this time, and the numbers are in our favor." Ben snapped.

I chuckled at Ben sentence as Ben looked at me offended.
"Sorry love it's just because we definitely needed your little tentacles." I said trying not to laugh.
"Whatever it was, it was strong, fast and super pissed." Lila said.

"Alright so whatever you do... Don't ring this bell" Diego said looking at the bell on the desk.
"Unless you want to loss a finger or tentacle" Diego said looking at Ben as he rolled his eyes.

"I'll take my chances" Sloane said.
"Don't" Lila said standing in-front of her.
"Get out of my way." Sloane said.
"Hey... No one is ringing that bell I mean no one. You lot haven't see what happens.... What happens when you ring the bell." I said thinking back to that poor man.

"All dead all dead all dead" The man kept repeating as he slowly fell to the floor as blood followed him as he laid there dead.

"So If i see anyone getting close to that thing I will kill you myself..." I warned.
Five began to walk to the doors.
"And I wouldn't try that the doors won't let anyone out" Diego said.
"So, what, we're suck here?" Allison said.

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