World's biggest ball of twine - part 2

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Luther pov-

I opened my eyes as I heard a woman humming gently feeling something being patted on the top of my head. I opened my eyes enough to see.
"Mom?" I asked.
"Why do people keep calling me that" she asked.
"Where am I" I groaned in pain.
"The Academy, silly. Everybody's waiting for you"she said walking back to a metal desk.
"The Academy?" I asked myself.

I got up hearing some chatter and a blender being used. I stood up looking at my surroundings. Turning my head to the door where the noise was coming from. A grabbed a mop swinging it around seeing if it was a good weapon to use. As I walked over to the door it already being open with some drapes hanging down from it.

I walked in and saw them sitting and a lunch table?
"Ah there he is" Alphonse said from the distance eating fruit on a stick.
"Please join us" Fei Said pointing to the table. As Alphonse pulled a chair out for him.
"It's okay, Nobody's gonna hurt you."
Ben said. I turned my face and was met by a drink being shoved in my face.

"Smoothie" she asked I looked down at it. And back at the pretty women taking the smoothie thanking her. As she grabbed the mop from me.
"You must be starving" Fei asked eating some nuts in her hand one by one. I walked over there "No, I... I probably shouldn't is that cashew butter" spotting it on the table.

"Cashew butter, almond butter, sunflower butter, tahini, Brazil nut" Sloane said naming them. I looked at her amazed.
"Wow you know what? Now that you mention it I am feeling a little bit, uh peckish actually". I rambled on
"Help yourself" Alphonse said.
"Thanks" I said walking over and taking a seat while drinking the home made smoothie. Wow.

I started grabbing different foods and the cashew butter.
"So, we know you're Number One" Ben asked "but we haven't formally introduced yet" he said very calmly.
"I'm Ben number two". I looked at him and smiled "it is so good to see you again buddy" I said happily.

"Why does everyone keep looking at me like that". He said slightly not so nice.
"Because you been dead for 15 years"
"Dead? What do you mean dead" he asked aggressively. Everyone looked at me waiting for the answer.
"Kind of a long story"

"Anyways I'm Fei number three"
"Alphonse, cuatro"
"Sloane. Five hey" "hey" I replied.
"I'm Jayme, six"
"That's Christopher, of course Number seven" Ben inform me of the weird block.
Christopher started talking a language. As Ben said,
"Oh, dont mind him he I'm a bit of a saucy mood today". As the other sparrows laughed with Ben.

"Wait I'm what about number one" I asked eating some toast.
"What about him" Fei questioned.
"Where is he" I asked. As Ben slammed a knife into the table as I jumped back in shock.
"That's what we'd like to know". Looking around seeing everyone staring at me.
"Our we playing a game" I asked unsure of whats happening.

"Whatever game the Umbrellas are playing, you're gonna lose" he replied. "You took our number one" he said putting one finger up.
"So we took you" he whispered the last bit. Now I am confused.
"Wait we took Marcus" I asked.
I chuckled nervously.
"Why would we do that"
"Act of war, death wish" Jayme said undoing a lid.

"The last time we saw him,he was with your sister" Sloane said still calm.
"Which one" I said looking at her.
"The little one with big powers" Fei said putting her hand out on big.
"Vanya? Huh well I gotta say it does not sound like Vanya to go and kidnap anybody" finishing my toast.

"You know having said that, I am usually the last to know about these kinda things" still eating.
"Your thier number one shouldn't you know everything" Ben asked getting impatient.
"I know. You think so, Ben discipline has never really been out strong suit" I said matter-of-factly.

"It's pretty much free for all over there expect when Astrid is round but that's hardly she normally looking after her well-being" I said with a sad smile at the end.
The sparrows looked at Ben when i said that l looked back at Ben as I saw his face dimmed.

"So listen" I said changing the subject
"This sounds like an easy fix I'll head back I mean, my family's probably worried sick about me, to be honest" I said speaking with food in my mouth.
"And if they have your guy I'll send him back without a scratch all right? No harm, no foul". I said nodding my head looking at them.
"How that sound" I asked. "Good" I said smiling at Ben. "Great" I said standing up as a tentacle pulled me back down.

"Whats the rush? Stick around till Marcus is back" Ben said. As Christopher started talking floating around towards me.
"My family will come for me Astrid will come for me" I said hopefully bit not showing it.
"Wonderful in the meantime, make yourself at home"Ben said picking up his place and walking away.
"Oh and um before I forgot if you try to escape Fei's birds will peck your eyes out and make a nest inside your skull" He said holding a orange throwing it in the air then catching it. I looked at her as she chuckled to herself.



I walked down the streets enjoying the peace and quiet looking around at this universe. I kept walking not knowing where I was going I took a turn and was met by a creepy alleyway I turned around but was met by a old man he had crooked teeth he reaked of alcohol.
"Excuse me can you please move" I asked politely. He just laughed walking closer as I took steps back feeling uncomfortable.
"Whats a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone" he said getting closer.

Ok now we starting to piss me off.

"I will not ask again move" I said as my eyes turned black.
But he only kept on trying to touch me ok that's it buddy.
I used the the shadow behind him and made it into a long sharp sword as I controlled it and stabbed it straight through his stomach as he looked down seeing a hole in his stomach and he dropped down dead.
"I warned you" I said as his body was turning grey and dull.



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