Marigold - part 2

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"Oh hey guys what are you up too" I asked stepping into the buffalo room as I saw Diego and Lila panic around.
"We have lost Stan" Lila replied still rushing around.
Diego found some sweet wrappers on the floor.
"Found something" Diego said catching mine and Lila attention.

"What?" we both said at the same time. Diego went closer to this door looking shape opening it up revealing a passage way.
"Oh boy" Diego muttered.
"That's some spooky shit" I said looking into it.

Diego bent down and grabbed a lighter.
"It's Stan's lucky lighter"
"Do you think he went in there"
"Yeah of course he did..... No warm-blooded 12-year-old can resist a mystery tunnel".

"Stanley" I called out into the unknown. Diego turned his head too us.
"You going." He asked.
"You think I'm going in there ha you must be out off your mind". I said backing away looking at Lila.
"Right Lila"
"After you" she replied to Diego.

"Really Lila my god fine let's go" I said walking in- front as I heard sounds echoing around me.

This is scary I want to go home.

"You know what guys let's go back yeah" I said turning back but Diego only pushed me forward.
"I hate you two" I said angrily.
"Love you too sis" Diego said.

"Oh he better be at the end of this ot I'm gonna be pissed" Diego said.
"I'm already pissed"
"It was your bright idea yo go into this murder hole" Lila said to Diego.

I walked closer to the door pushing it forward looking around.

The buffalo room?

"Did we just go into a circle" Diego asked.
I looked around seeing that the buffalo face was now it's ass.
"Was that always there"
"No it wasn't so let's go".
"No we aren't going Astrid".

I looked around so many things has changed the painting the buffalo what else.
"What the hell is going on here" Diego asked but none of us knew the answer.
"I don't know but that used to be a portrait of a woman." Lila said.

"These used to be corn nuts" Diego said to himself. In that time the door behind me closed.

Oh great a murder unravelling.

"I don't normally say this but, uh, I'm officially freaked out." Lila said slightly scared.
"Oh so a door closing makes you scared" I said annoyed.

"Astrid just drop the sass please" Diego said looking at me.
"No but I know one thing that will be dropping my dead body when I get murdered." I said rolling my eyes walking out of the door as Lila and Diego followed me as we made our way to the elevator.

Diego walked out first then followed by me then followed by Lila.
"Stan" Diego called out.
"Stanley" Diego called out again getting more aggressive.

I walked over to the sushi bar taking a seat and shoving sushi in my mouth.
"Hello" Lila said trying to see if anyone was here.
"Hotel oblivion" Diego said reading the sign going to press the bell but Lila stopped him immediately.
"Wow can't you read the sign" I said while eating.

"It says do not ring" I scoffed.
"We need help finding Stan. Why put a bell if they don't want us to ring it" he replied.
" I don't know do I probably for aesthetic" I said taking more sushi.

"Trudy gonna kill me" Lila said as I looked confused.
"Who's Trudy" Diego asked as I nodded also wanting to know who this mysterious person was.
"Stan's mum" Lila said as i chocked on my sushi.

"What is going on" I said confused as hell.
"Wait what?" Diego said getting closer to Lila.
"Stan he's not our child. Fancy some sushi" Lila said walking over to me taking a seat next to me.


After talking with Sloane and Luther I went up in my room just needing some space with all different things happening.

God I need you Astrid.

I signed looking over at our photo gallery smiling at myself I looked at a certain picture.

It was a picture of Me and Astrid at our first duo mission.

The runway train.


"Today is going to be a duo mission" Dad said as we was all lined up listening carefully.
"I'm going to need two of you who should it be" Dad said looking at each of us.

Please be me .

"Ben and Astrid" Dad called our names out as I looked at Astrid as she looked back at me.
"Your mission is to stop a runaway train now off you go children." Dad said as me and Astrid ran off to out first duo mission.

Me and Astrid waited for the train.
"This is kind of exciting isn't it Astrid" I said sitting on the floor as Astrid lied her head on my chest.
"Yeah I guess but what if we fail" Astrid said worried.
"We won't I promise" I said calming her down.

"How long until the train is here" I asked Astrid as she looked at the timer.
"We have 2 minutes let's get ready" She said standing up walking onto the railway.
"Be careful Astrid" I said standing back as she nodded towards me.

I heard the train come full speed as Astrid used the shadows to make a giant. The giant stood in front of Astrid as it used its hands to stop the train slowing right down stopping right in front of Astrid.

As she made the Giant disappeared.
Astrid got off the railway hugging me.
"You did it Astrid you did it" I said hugging her back.


I smiled at our first mission together still happy to this day.

God I miss you.

I kneeled down and opened a box revealing a ring. I picked it up being very careful of it making sure not to drop it as I placed the ring on the table.

It was supposed to be your ring Astrid
Before you died but now your back.

I can give it too you now.





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