Wedding at the End of the World - part 1

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I walked beside Reginald as he leadered me in a corn field feeling a slightly breeze of wind.
"Father where are we going" I asked.
"Don't ask too much questions my daughter it's better if you figure it out on your own" He replied but I didn't know what he really meant.

We kept walking for a little while but my feet where getting really tried. After a couple more feet Reginald stopped in his tracks placing with telescope  down beside him. As he went into his small bag pulling a book out as he took notes of the surrounding.

He he got out his weird machine that he put in his ears then using the other end to listen as he kept moving the machine around.

After he finished with that he gently put it away getting the telescope from beside him a placing it in a certain position.

As he knelled down looking in it as I watched intrigued but also really confused.
"Astrid look" He said moving out the way as I looked through it seeing something.

"What is that father" I asked looking at him.
"My dear that is a door to something amazing." He replied getting a flare gun out shooting it at the sky.

As a loud boom happened revealing the door floating in the air.
He lowed the gun looking at the door slightly smiling.


"Ain't no cause to make a building like this" A man talked to a different man.
"Have you ever been called arrogant" The other man replied in Japanese.
" I don't know what that means but these plans is bizarre" He said pointing to the blueprints in-front of him.

"That's all there is to it. Follow the blueprints" the other man replied still in Japanese.

I let go of Fathers hand going for a wonder around because I was getting very....very bored. I watched Father as he pulled out his stopwatch watching it tick.

Everyday we would visit the mysterious building site I didn't even know why I go all I do is stand there.
By father said it will make sense when I'm older.

We were currently standing out of the complete building or should I say Hotel. I stood next to Father as he cut a massive big ribbon. As everyone clapped at him.

He only cut a ribbon why is everyone clapping what weirdos.

I followed father inside the building as we made our way to a room. I looked around seeing it bare hardly anything in it except from a few sofas and one bed and probably some more things.

I overheard my father's conversation with a army man? I'm not to sure.
"You want them all dead"
"All dead"

Lots of men starting to pick up weapons from the sofa getting ready for something. Father opened the door as I looked in it seeing a long tunnel ahead.

"Back in a flash" the head leader said to Reginald. As one by one they all headed in.
Father closed the door on them as he picked up a tea drinking it.

"Father where are the men going?" I asked looking at the door.
"My child you have so many questions they are going to do a little favour for me that's all." He replied as I smiled waiting for the men to come back.

I heard gunshots as father pulled me behind him.
"Stay behind me Astrid" he said sternly.
"Yes father" I replied.
Reginald walked closer to the door as more gunshots went off.
Father opened the door and the head leader fell to the door covered in blood my eyes widened at the sight.

"All dead all dead all dead" The man kept repeating as he slowly fell to the floor as blood followed him as he laid there dead.

I watched as a cockroach crawled out of the man's mouth landing on the floor trying to escape as Father stood on it killing it.

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