Marigold - final part

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"So adopted.Okay" Diego asked still confused.
"Yeah that's fine that's fine" He said trying to calm down.
"No not adopted. I borrowed him from my mate Trudy for a week" Lila said eating sushi.

"This keeps getting better and better" I mumbled to myself.
"Wait hold up you Bo..... Lila did you kidnap a kid?" Diego asked.
"She went on holiday and he needed some fun" Lila said feeling guilty for Stan.

"And I wanted to see what kind of dad you'd make" She said as I turned my head slowly eating the sushi.
"Lila.... Why would you want to know that" I asked.
"You know stress test kick the tires" She replied.
"Are you insane" Diego shouted.
"Well you two did meet in a asylum so" I said but Diego gave me a death stare.

"Unbel.....You know, Stan deserve me better than this" Diego said pointing outside of the hotel.
"Stanley in on it" Lila argued.
"Oh snap" I whispered.
"Oh Jesus, oh'''re...." Diego tried to speak but couldn't.

"Ahhhh" He yelled out in frustration throwing the chair next to Lila.
"Damn it" He screamed.
"It's okay love it'll come to you" Lila said calmly.
"You know what I'll deal with you later" he said pointing at Lila.
"And you come help me find Stanley" Diego said.
"But my sushi" I said sadly getting up dragging my feet on the floor so I would go slower.

Diego started calling his name out while I just sat on the floor doing nothing. I watched as Diego tried to go out of the hotel but came straight back in he tried to go the other way but still was in the hotel.

"Wow that's cool" I said.
"Maybe you should help me find Stanley" Diego said losing his patience.
"Nah I'm alright thanks" I replied closing my eyes.
"Whatever Lila get over here." He called out.
"Did you find him" She asked rushing over to us.

"I can't I can't get out the doors won't let me" Diego said but Lila was to busy about the cockroach crawling on the floor as I jumped up not wanting it near me.
"Yeah, I am never eating here again."

"You have the attention span of a fruit fly" he said walking away.
"Where are  you going" she asked.
"To get help finding Stan." He said walking to the bell as I ran after him telling him to stop.

"DO NOT RING THE BELL" I shouted but it was too late a loud bell rang as the Hotel began to shake and start flashing green.
"Oh shit now this is a murder movie" I said laughing nervously.
As we backed away slowly trying to not make a sound. As a deep growl came from the shadows it's heavy footsteps pounding on the floor.

As we walked around trying to see what is going on as we stood in a circle keeping a lookout to where the sound is coming from.
Diego slowly took out his knife.
"Diego?" Lila asked.
"I hear it" he replied as the footsteps came closer and the low voice kept growling.

Getting louder and louder by the second.
"We need to get out of here" Lila said as I nodded my head.
"Not without Stan" Diego replied.
As a weapon flung at us while Diego tried to throw a knife as the weapon cut two of his fingers off as he wailed in pain.
"Go" Lila said dragging Diego to the elevator as i rushed behind them.

I looked back seeing that the mysterious figure was right on our tail.
"You guys go I'll buy you some time" I said stopping in-front of the figure.
The mysterious think swing their weapon as I dodged it using the shadows to create a monster of my own.

As my giant swung its fist at the figure hitting it in the face as the figure swung its weapon slicing my giant in half.

Oh shit well time to run.

I turned around and ran as the booming footsteps Chased me swinging for my legs cutting one open as I fell in pain.
Still trying to crawl I looked up and saw the masked thing above me they spun their weapon as I put my hands up being surrounded in darkness. I heard the weapon hit my shield as I formed into a shadow flying away.

I found Diego and Lila as we all ran back into the buffalo room as I tried to go as quickly as I could but the pain wasn't helping. Lila quickly opened the passage way as I had to turn into a shadow again because of the pain. We reached the other side as Lila pushed the door open then closing it straight afterwards.

The figure pushed on the door as I turned back into a person holding the door so the mysterious thing couldn't get through.
"That's a lot of blood" Diego said to himself looking at his hand.
"Push harder" Lila said as I tried too.

After a couple of seconds the pounding stopped as the footsteps became quieter and quieter. We all breathed out aloud as I heard a loud slurp turning my head to see.


"Stanley" Lila said
"You gotta be kidding me"
"Where the hell were you"
"What? A kid doesn't have time to get a slushee and a slim Jim" he asked.
As I felt another shockwave coming.

The shockwave hit as I tried not to cry out in pain as I watched Stanley disappear with the wave. As his drink fell on the floor.
"Oh shit" Diego breathed out.

I looked at Lila and Diego as their faces went sad as Lila signed out in sadnesses tears nearing falling out.
I looked back to the place that was once Stanley stood in.

You were like my little brothers
Rest in peace.




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